soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Asdon and ML optimization, Tavern Grouping, and TCRS verification #274

Closed Phate4569 closed 4 years ago

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

Optimize- Asdon Usage on oil peak Optimize- Asdon and ML usage in Tavern (except Ed The Undying) Optimize- Grouped Tavern w/ Oil Peak (for high ML) and Pyramid (for Rat Tails) BugFix - Check for TCRS before wasting Bedtime crafting BugFix - Check for TCRS before food farming

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

I had to submit a new one since I figured out how to change my local git configuration to work with both github AND my work's git server.

Anyways, I tried to encompass everything from the previous pull request (and added a few more little things).

One thing I could not figure out was how to make L3_Tavern happen automatically. It would just set the property then still do nothing with it, so I forcibly called the function.

Malibu-Stacey commented 4 years ago

One thing I could not figure out was how to make L3_Tavern happen automatically. It would just set the property then still do nothing with it, so I forcibly called the function.

in doTasks() L3_tavern() is about 30 lines before L9_highLandlord() (which is what calls L9_oilPeak()) so if it's not happening once you set sl_forceTavern to true then the conditions at the top of L3_tavern() are likely to blame.

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

Still not happening, only one of the conditionals apply, but I'm not even letting it acknowledge "delayTavern" if forceTavern exists in my latest test.

Interestingly, it DID do the tavern AFTER the highland lord though. though that may be because it was the only open quest at the time.

In my local copy I've added DEBUG lines so I can view the logs better.

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

Ok, I've narrowed it down to this line: if(get_property("lastAdventure") == "Unimpressed with Pressure")

More testing on this next ascension.

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

VICTORY! That line of code is useless in Oil Peak.

Will rewrite.

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

Replaced with This Version.

I'm just leaving this here so that the history is apparent.