soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
11 stars 5 forks source link

Refactor auto-consumption code, consider Saucemaven, support Chez Snootee #280

Closed jaspercb closed 4 years ago

jaspercb commented 4 years ago

Still hidden behind sl_beta. I'm disabling the "let's do a last drink with Stooper" logic because it's not quite correct (it needs to be moved into doBedtime() so we can do our free fights with a +xp familiar without being fall-down drunk).

Also fix a lingering Baa'baa'buran issue, where we'd only wish to fight Baa' in one of the two cases where we needed wool.

Also add sl_test.ash. My plan is to throw random sanity checks in there. It's a pity stuff like item_amount(it) isn't mockable.