soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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[iotm] Comb beach at end-of-day / use beach heads for effects #288

Closed jaspercb closed 4 years ago

jaspercb commented 4 years ago

When drops beachcomb HEADTYPE, we can use beach heads for stuff like "getting +5 substats/combat on turn 1" and "getting enough elemental damage for tavern when we need it". NS Tower tests too, I suppose. Unsure where the best place to use the +weight would be.

We can also just beachcomb. Bunches of sea grapes turn into bottles of sea wine, which are 1/awesome boozes.

jaspercb commented 4 years ago

Mafia now has beach common, beach head exp, and so on. I think day 1 in TCRS we probably want to beach head exp followed by beach common. Outside of TCRS we can beach head exp, leave the other beach heads for misc. quests as needed, then comb randomly at end-of-day.