soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Add option to retrieve dictionary from Haunted Library if given the choice #299

Open Saklad5 opened 4 years ago

Saklad5 commented 4 years ago

The facsimile dictionary is tied for the most valuable item in the game in terms of autosell price. This makes it very useful as a pull when you need a lot of meat, but it requires some setup to get each ascension.

Moreover, the dictionary itself is a decent stasis item for the gremlins.

Since the Haunted Library is already adventured in during most runs, I would like an option to get the dictionary there if choice adventure 889 is encountered. To be clear, I do not want to waste turns adventuring there until the dictionary is encountered, I just want to grab it while opening the second floor if the opportunity presents itself.

Taking the dictionary uses an adventure, so skipping should still be the default.