soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
11 stars 5 forks source link

Aborting? #307

Open archon386 opened 4 years ago

archon386 commented 4 years ago

We have spent 61 turns at 'The Hole in the Sky' and that is bad... aborting.

Script is aborting with the above message. I have a star key. I manually got the adventure for the copperhead quest. Not sure what to do to get it running.

Long time Mafia user, but no scripting exp. This is my first time using this script, and worked fine until this.

archon386 commented 4 years ago

nevermind. I adventured until I turned in the iten to Shen in the Copperhead club, now it seems to be working.... Thanks Cool script.