soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Script has problems finding offhand weapons #317

Open KennyMan666 opened 4 years ago

KennyMan666 commented 4 years ago

Currently running this script for some HC Community Services, and one issue that's come up that's made the script choke is when it wants to equip a weapon that it previously already equipped in my off-hand. It just goes "You don't have the item you're trying to equip" and in the best case just stops, but once it got stuck in a weird loop where it tried to equip something that already was equipped, couldn't find it because it was in the offhand, and then rested at the Chateau before trying again. Spent a bunch of adventures doing that before I caught it. So far, the only solution to it seems to be to manually unequip anything in the hands and then running the script again.

UPDATE: Turns out it's not just offhanded weapons, it's equipped weapons in general. Now it failed to find the Saucepanic that it had already equipped in my mainhand.