soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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stomping boots desync causing combat to fail #319

Open taltamir opened 4 years ago

taltamir commented 4 years ago

Mafia stomping boots tracker desyncs if the boots fail for some reason, such as using release the boots against a non valid target for stomping. This desynced state remains for a number of combats until you manage to acquire another charge of stomping boots and then use it.

If sl_ascend is ran while in the desync state it will fail in combat by trying to use the non existent "release the boots" and then doing nothing else in combat. After release the boots is attempted by sl_ascend it should test to see if you are still in combat, and if the answer is yes then it should move on to the rest of the combat script instead of crashing the script