soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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Zone Delay for finding Gnasir #331

Closed Phate4569 closed 4 years ago

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

Adding a section for the Zone Delay for Finding Gnasir. More delay burned = More wormriding pages found = faster pyramid unlock.

jaspercb commented 4 years ago

My worry here is that this delay zone isn't created equal to the others - other delay zones represent 1:1 turn savings, while this is higher-uncertainty. We only want to burn delay to find gnasir if there are no other options for burning delay. Poking around the relevant code, how about if solveDelayZone(), when it can't find any other zone to burn delay in (i.e. when it would return $location[none]), instead return $location[The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert] if loc.turns_spent < 10?

Also, I don't think the Compass or Ornate Dowsing Rod will be equipped by LX_burnDelay() or presool. So that should be added to presool checks.

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

Hmm, this may have to wait until my other two pulls get resolved enough for me to put up a new version as I was trying to fix some things on my end and deleted my version of the repository.

jaspercb commented 4 years ago

No worries! I'd be happy to code this up myself if you're OK with my stealing your thunder ;)

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

I'm fine with that. :) all improvements benefit everyone.