soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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More Kingdom of Exploathing fixes #334

Closed jaspercb closed 4 years ago

jaspercb commented 4 years ago

Lots of small changes. The big changes are: [koe]

Phate4569 commented 4 years ago

I was thinking about it, and was going to post in the other pull request until I saw you made the Gnasir change here. Desert may not be a bad "catch all" to dump free turns if Battlefield+gear is unavailable. At that point the free turns are a 1-1 turn savings on exploration.

Also I saw your change for the stew. Personally I just wished for lion and snake if I had leftover wish fights.

Another thing I did (since SGEEs aren't available) if I needed olfact in a zone I was going into I would burn the olfact in Desert or Battlefield.