soolar / sl_ascend

An ascension script for kolmafia
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infinite loop in KOHLS #341

Open taltamir opened 4 years ago

taltamir commented 4 years ago

in KOHLS you are must spend 40 turns in high school before anything else is allowed to be done that day. Free fights are an exception. As a result if you try to run this sl_ascend in KOHLS without manually doing those 40 turns in school it will result in an infinite loop. for example for me it managed to do some free fights and then got into an infinite loop of trying to go to bandit crossroads

[538] The Bandit Crossroads Encounter: Nothing more to do here.

Turn(537): Starting with 80 left and 20 pulls left at Level: 14 Encounter: -15.0 Exp Bonus: 20.55 Meat Drop: 255.0 Item Drop: 275.0 HP: 691/730, MP: 2065/2113 Tummy: 0/15 Liver: 0/20 Spleen: 0/15 ML: 0 control: 0 Delay between adventures... beep boop... Countdown: 1 second... Waiting completed.

Starting preadventure script... Maximizing: 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,mox,-fumble,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,0.25spell damage,1.75spell damage percent,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,-equip hewn moon-rune spoon,-equip makeshift garbage shirt,-equip broken champagne bottle,-equip Snow Suit,+equip FantasyRealm G. E. M. Maximizing... 48 combinations checked, best score 5,136.56 Checkpoints cleared. Burning 5 MP... Pre Adventure at The Bandit Crossroads done, beep.

Visit to FantasyRealm: The Bandit Crossroads in progress...

[538] The Bandit Crossroads Encounter: Nothing more to do here.

The above repeats infinitely. The "nothing more to do here." is actually

Ol' Mr. Jenkins steps out of his house (he lives just across the way, naturally) and shakes his fist at you. "Damn kids! Get back to school!" he shouts. You should probably head off to school before you give him a coronary.