This collection is stuck minting: 0x71d85daba636e9abfe48f4d38324ff1dd39c973c
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"description": "Dear friends, I'm still here, just very busy with my travels. Exciting new adventures have unfolded, and I look forward to sharing them with you soon. Sending love to each of you.\n\nPlease note that the purchase price of 1 IOTA will be refunded afterwards.\n\n___\n\nThis is PELIKAN 24. He was born on the 23 of March 2022. PELIKAN 24 is the last of the first generation of Pelicans. He and his sibling (PELIKAN 1 - PELIKAN 24) were described as small and weak. This might be true for them. But not for PELIKAN 24. He wants to show and prove to the world that not every Pelikan is the same. Even in a family. And we all know. The last ones in a generation always want to prove their selfs most.\n\nSo over time PELIKAN 24 will show where he was and what moments he experienced. He is an open-minded and friendly Pelikan who is enjoying life, always curious and open to new adventures.\n\n\nComment: This is a project just for fun. My profession can not be farther away from playing with a Pelikan and designing as good as possible his adventures. It allows me to express my creativity in a way. I like the idea of NFTs and that my art could be accessible for quite some time. I want to develop an already existing NFT further. As you can see I am the owner of the NFT which was originally minted. \u2028Nevertheless. These are just pictures/ animations. Keep that always in mind before spending your hard-earned money. Cheers.",
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This collection is stuck minting: 0x71d85daba636e9abfe48f4d38324ff1dd39c973c