soot-oss / soot

Soot - A Java optimization framework
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Problem on soot path. #986

Open damorosodaragona opened 6 years ago

damorosodaragona commented 6 years ago
package main;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import soot.MethodOrMethodContext;
import soot.PackManager;
import soot.Scene;
import soot.SceneTransformer;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.Transform;
import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.CHATransformer;
import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.CallGraph;
import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.Targets;

public class CallGraphExample
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(args));
       argsList.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
               "testers.CallGraphs",//argument classes
               "testers.A"          //

       PackManager.v().getPack("wjtp").add(new Transform("wjtp.myTrans", new SceneTransformer() {

        protected void internalTransform(String phaseName, Map options) {
                       SootClass a = Scene.v().getSootClass("testers.A");

               SootMethod src = Scene.v().getMainClass().getMethodByName("doStuff");
               CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph();

               Iterator<MethodOrMethodContext> targets = new Targets(cg.edgesOutOf(src));
               while (targets.hasNext()) {
                   SootMethod tgt = (SootMethod);
                   System.out.println(src + " may call " + tgt);


           args = argsList.toArray(new String[0]);


This is the code that i find on soot tutorials for Call Graphs, now when i try to run it in eclipse i have this error: Soot started on Tue Jul 10 18:50:06 CEST 2018 soot.SootResolver$SootClassNotFoundException: couldn't find class: testers.CallGraphs (is your soot-class-path set properly?) at soot.SootResolver.bringToHierarchyUnchecked( at soot.SootResolver.bringToHierarchy( at soot.SootResolver.bringToSignatures( at soot.SootResolver.bringToBodies( at soot.SootResolver.processResolveWorklist( at soot.SootResolver.resolveClass( at soot.Scene.loadClass( at soot.Scene.loadClassAndSupport( at soot.Scene.loadNecessaryClass( at soot.Scene.loadNecessaryClasses( at at soot.Main.main( at main.CallGraphExample.main(

Ouuups... something went wrong! Sorry about that. Follow these steps to fix the problem: 1.) Are you sure you used the right command line? Click here to double-check:

2.) Not sure whether it's a bug? Feel free to discuss the issue on the Soot mailing list:

3.) Sure it's a bug? Click this link to report it. Please be as precise as possible when giving us information on how to reproduce the problem. Thanks! [...]

I can't understand how i must setting soot path to run it.. Can somebody explain to me? In my eclipse project i have 2 packages, first named "Main" where there is "" class (is the class shown above), and second named "testers" where there is "" class. The code of "" is:

package testers;

public class CallGraphs
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static void doStuff() {
        new A().foo();

class A
    public void foo() {

    public void bar() {
Symbolk commented 5 years ago

Yeah this is the offical example, but really outdated (2008). The same problem also bothers me, did you solve it?