sopherapps / pydantic-redis

A simple Declarative ORM for Redis using pydantic Models
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Enable Asyncio For Pydantic Redis #14

Closed Tinitto closed 1 year ago

Tinitto commented 1 year ago

The fantastic pydantic-aioredis package enables an async API that closely resembles pydantic-redis. However, currently, it lacks some features that are already in pydantic-redis and even as the packages mature, the divide between the two is expected to increase.

Add an async API like:

import asyncio
from datetime import date, datetime
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict

from pydantic_redis.asyncio import Store, Model, RedisConfig

class Author(Model):
    _primary_key_field: str = 'name'
    name: str
    active_years: Tuple[int, int]

class Book(Model):
    _primary_key_field: str = 'title'
    title: str
    author: Author
    rating: float
    published_on: date
    last_updated: datetime = datetime.utcnow()
    tags: List[str] = []
    meta: Dict[str, str] = {}
    in_stock: bool = True

authors = {
    "charles": Author(name="Charles Dickens", active_years=(1220, 1280)),
    "jane": Author(name="Jane Austen", active_years=(1580, 1640)),

books = [
    Book(title="Oliver Twist", author=authors["charles"], published_on=date(year=1215, month=4, day=4),
         in_stock=False, rating=2, tags=["Classic"], meta={"isbn": "63598943843898IN"}),
    Book(title="Great Expectations", author=authors["charles"], published_on=date(year=1220, month=4, day=4), rating=5,
         tags=["Classic"], meta={"isbn": "629389285uy", "description": "Some fancy book"}),
    Book(title="Jane Eyre", author=authors["charles"], published_on=date(year=1225, month=6, day=4), in_stock=False,
         rating=3.4, tags=["Classic", "Romance"], meta={"isbn": "787873ty"}),
    Book(title="Wuthering Heights", author=authors["jane"], published_on=date(year=1600, month=4, day=4), rating=4.0,
         tags=["Classic", "Romance"], last_updated=datetime.utcnow()),

async def run_async():
    store = Store(name="test", redis_config=RedisConfig())
    await store.redis_store.flushall()

    # clear the store
    await store.clear()

    # Insert books and their associated models into redis
    await Book.insert(books)

    # Select all books to view them. A list of Model instances will be returned
    # Will print [Book(title="Oliver Twist", author="Charles Dickens", ...), Book(...]
    all_books = await

    # Or select some books
    some_books = await["Oliver Twist", "Jane Eyre"])
    print(some_books)  # Will print only those two books

    # Or select some authors
    # Will print Jane Austen even though you didn't explicitly insert her in the Author's collection
    some_authors = await["Jane Austen"])

    # Or select some columns. THIS RETURNS DICTIONARIES not MODEL Instances
    # The Dictionaries have values in string form so you might need to do some extra work
    books_with_few_fields = await["author", "in_stock"])
    print(books_with_few_fields)  # Will print [{"author": "'Charles Dickens", "in_stock": "True"},...]

    # Update any book or library
    await Book.update(_id="Oliver Twist", data={"author": authors["jane"]})
    # You could even update a given author's details by nesting their new data in a book update
    updated_jane = Author(**authors["jane"].dict())
    updated_jane.active_years = (1999, 2008)
    await Book.update(_id="Oliver Twist", data={"author": updated_jane})
    # Trying to retrieve jane directly will return her with the new details
    # All other books that have Jane Austen as author will also have their data updated. (like a real relationship)
    new_jane = await["Jane Austen"])

    # Delete any number of items
    await Book.delete(ids=["Oliver Twist", "Jane Eyre"])

This is especially useful for asyncio in FastAPI