sophienyaa / NodeRenogy

Utility to retrieve data from Renogy solar controllers and publish it to MQTT, written in NodeJS
MIT License
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RJ12 to DB9 Wiring Voltages #11

Open esnelling opened 1 year ago

esnelling commented 1 year ago
  1. I have wired as suggested here but I am not getting any raw data. I do get different voltages than desribed as follows:

Tx-Grd ~ 5V Rx-Grd ~ 5V Rx-Tx ~ .1V

I've attached a photo of how my connector is wired. Things I have tried: Minibus monitor on RPI Moved to W11 PC for troubleshooting No data received on Putty with 9600/8/N/1

Any ideas what to try next? Thanks!!!


MarkMD0OMY commented 5 months ago

Can someone please explain if these voltage measurements are when the cable is connected to the solar controller or when it is connected to your PC (via a Serial to USB) ?

Thanks Mark...