Anagram: Words that can be rearranged to form each others
Store the frequency of the letters in both strings in a dictionary
From a dict that has more unique letters, subtract the frequencies
Sum of the remaining dictionary values will be the min number of steps to make two strings anagram
from collections import defaultdict
class Solution:
def minSteps(self, s: str, t: str) -> int:
s_dict = defaultdict(int)
t_dict = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(len(s)):
s_dict[s[i]] += 1
t_dict[t[i]] += 1
s_count = len(set(s_dict))
t_count = len(set(t_dict))
res = 0
if s_count > t_count:
for item in s_dict:
if item in t_dict:
s_dict[item] = max(0, s_dict[item] - t_dict[item])
res = sum(s_dict.values())
for item in t_dict:
if item in s_dict:
t_dict[item] = max(0, t_dict[item] - s_dict[item])
res = sum(t_dict.values())
return res
N: length of the strings
Time Complexity: O(n) linear scan through the strings
Anagram: Words that can be rearranged to form each others
N: length of the strings
linear scan through the stringsO(n)