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155. Min Stack #29

Open sophryu99 opened 1 year ago

sophryu99 commented 1 year ago

155. Min Stack

The insight is to keep track of the minimum value so far and push it, along with the number we are pushing, onto the stack.

  1. Push a tuple (number we are pushing, the minimum value so far) to the stack
  2. pop and get from a stack has a constant time complexity
class MinStack:

    def __init__(self):
        self.q = []

    def push(self, val: int) -> None:
        if self.q:
            minval = self.q[-1][1]
            if val < minval:
                self.q.append((val, val))
                self.q.append((val, minval))
            self.q.append((val, val))

    def pop(self) -> None:
        # O(1)

    def top(self) -> int:
        # O(1)
        return self.q[-1][0]

    def getMin(self) -> int:
        # O(1)
        if len(self.q) == 0:
            return None
        return self.q[-1][1]

# Your MinStack object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = MinStack()
# obj.push(val)
# obj.pop()
# param_3 =
# param_4 = obj.getMin()

n: number of values