Send everyone to the first city first, and send the half to the other city which has the least difference between the costs
For example costs = [[10,20],[30,200],[400,50],[30,20]] :
Send everyone to the first city which sums to 10 + 30 + 400 + 30 = 470.
Calculate the difference between the cost, 10, 170, -350, -10
Sort the difference and get the cost that has the minimum differences (this means refund)
Evaluate 10 + 30 + 400 + 30 + (-350 -10)
class Solution:
def twoCitySchedCost(self, costs: List[List[int]]) -> int:
diff = []
totalsum = 0
for i, cost in enumerate(costs):
diff.append(cost[1] - cost[0])
totalsum += cost[0]
# sort by the differences
for i in range(len(costs) // 2):
totalsum += diff[i]
return (totalsum)
Send everyone to the first city first, and send the half to the other city which has the least difference between the costs
-> sort()O(n)