S5: As a logged-in user, there is also a party list on the home screen, so that I can easily manage the upcoming party and view the previous party. #21
[ ] The parties are displayed as a separate column on the right side of the page, where you can see both previous parties and upcoming parties you joined or will join. In the list, only the name and time of the party are listed here.
[ ] By clicking on the name of the party, you will be redirected to the party page. If there are no parties you are/were involved in, then it will display “there are no parties”.
[ ] In this party list column, there is a button that allows you to create a new party as a host. Then, you will be redirected to create a party page(describe below).
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] The parties are displayed as a separate column on the right side of the page, where you can see both previous parties and upcoming parties you joined or will join. In the list, only the name and time of the party are listed here.
[ ] By clicking on the name of the party, you will be redirected to the party page. If there are no parties you are/were involved in, then it will display “there are no parties”.
[ ] In this party list column, there is a button that allows you to create a new party as a host. Then, you will be redirected to create a party page(describe below).
Development Tasks: