High-level components: Identify your project’s 3-5 main components. What is their role?
How are they correlated? Reference the main class, file, or function in the README text with a link.
Launch & Deployment: Write down the steps a new developer joining your team would have to take to get started with your application. What commands are required to build and run your project locally? How can they run the tests? Do you have external dependencies or a database that needs to be running? How can they do releases?
Illustrations: In your client repository, briefly describe and illustrate the main user flow(s) of your interface. How does it work (without going into too much detail)? Feel free to include a few screenshots of your application.
Roadmap: The top 2-3 features that new developers who want to contribute to your project could add.
Authors and acknowledgment.
License: Say how your project is licensed (see License guide).