sor4chi / hono-do

A wrapper of Cloudflare Workers's Durable Object for Hono.
MIT License
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Endpoint Integration Idea #18

Closed sor4chi closed 7 months ago

sor4chi commented 9 months ago

I want to add new syntax for less code.

export const Counter = generateHonoObject("/counter", async (app, state) => {
  const { storage } = state;
  let value = (await storage.get<number>("value")) ?? 0;"/increment", (c) => {
    storage.put("value", value++);
    return c.text(value.toString());
  });"/decrement", (c) => {
    storage.put("value", value--);
    return c.text(value.toString());

  app.get("/", (c) => {
    return c.text(value.toString());

So far the code had to be written like this

app.all("/counter/*", (c) => {
  const id = c.env.COUNTER.idFromName("Counter");
  const obj = c.env.COUNTER.get(id);
  return obj.fetch(c.req.raw);

I plan to add a new syntax like, "Counter") is extended by Hono. The first args is Hono Object, and The second args is the value of idFromName().