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2020-05-09 #16

Open soraliu opened 4 years ago

soraliu commented 4 years ago

    be a sign of; indicate.
        - "The shaven head denotes purity and egolessness and is said to mitigate past life karma."
    Synonyms: designate, indicate, be a mark of, signify, signal, symbolize, represent, mean, typify, characterize, distinguish, mark, identify

        - suggest, point to, smack of, indicate, show, reveal, intimate, imply, convey, betray, bespeak, spell
        - designate, indicate, be a mark of, signify, signal, symbolize, represent, mean, typify, characterize, distinguish, mark, identify
        - announce
        - refer

See also
soraliu commented 4 years ago

    be a sign of; indicate.
        - "The shaven head denotes purity and egolessness and is said to mitigate past life karma."
    Synonyms: designate, indicate, be a mark of, signify, signal, symbolize, represent, mean, typify, characterize, distinguish, mark, identify

        - suggest, point to, smack of, indicate, show, reveal, intimate, imply, convey, betray, bespeak, spell
        - designate, indicate, be a mark of, signify, signal, symbolize, represent, mean, typify, characterize, distinguish, mark, identify
        - announce
        - refer

    - Sigma is the Greek symbol used to denote deviations from the mean.

    - To avoid any misunderstandings, I will use the term symbol to denote elements of the set.

    - Question marks denote instances where digit identity could not be assigned with certainty.

    - Four pieces of missing homework did not, in Josh's opinion, denote a letter home, and all the hassle that entailed.

    - Now of course this comment is based on knowledge of our own decimal system which is a positional system with nine special symbols and a zero symbol to denote an empty place.

    - The names of the strains denote the place where the virus originated or was first isolated.

    - I think a lot of people who are drawn to witchcraft sometimes will get a tattoo, or mark themselves in some way to denote a rite of passage or an experience.

    - That's how bad it is - I've had to resort to multiple exclamation marks to denote sarcasm.

    - X and Y aren't a formula; they're a pair of mathematical symbols used to denote an unknown quantity.

    - The main drawback of the Linnean system is that groups must be named with suffixes that denote their rank in this hierarchy.

    - In Courchevel, pay attention to the numbers after the name (which denote the height in metres).

    - Their name was chosen to denote the feeling of being outcasts in society in terms of being musicians not geared towards a mainstream audience.

    - Dark blue indicates deep ocean basins, while light blue denotes shallow seas of the continental shelf.

    - We have two ‘No Entry’ signs denoting that the road in question is now closed to vehicular traffic and a few paces away we have a gleaming new 50 km sign.

    - Instead, each of us is to use the denotative and connotative meanings of these terms with which we are most comfortable.

    - Next, each species or cultivar has a list of nurseries that sell it, with symbols denoting new entries, synonyms, awards of merit, variegation and so on.

    - A focus on language, connotative and denotative meaning, is especially important in the cultural adaptation process.

    - Stories are never just arguments; they work most effectively by being neither didactic nor definitive: they attract and hold our attention because they are connotative not denotative.

    - Provocations include not only the lack of grammar, but highly disjunctive and often obscure use of line breaks which abandon denotative and connotative functions of words in favour of half swallowed or choked sounds.

    - Employing the concept of ‘tribe’ is beset with denotative and connotative baggage.

    - These vases were called eheia, denoting their reverberative qualities.

    - This is a beautiful metaphor that denotes visions of purity and unblemished perfection.

    - For the second quarter in a row, the company has had an ‘e’ placed after its trading symbol, denoting a late filing of accounts.

    - After materials had been returned, each participant was thanked and his or her credit slip was signed denoting participation.

    - A globular point means safety, a conch shape represents fame, a bright yellow flame indicated no obstacles, a lotus and jewel like flame denotes wealth.

    - Conversely the lighting of a candle may be symbolically significant if it denotes bringing of light, that is, relief from suffering or enlightenment.

    - Different stability regions are denoted by different symbols.

    - Kildare County Council has agreed to erect signs denoting the twinning of Kildare with French town Corps Nuds.

    - The shaven head denotes purity and egolessness and is said to mitigate past life karma.

    - The council has carried out risk assessments on all restricted areas and has reopened nearly three-quarters of the pathways - identified by a pink sign denoting a right of way.
soraliu commented 4 years ago
soraliu commented 4 years ago


Definitions of denote
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

        represent, indicate, show, express, denote, mean
        mean, imply, suggest, indicate, represent, denote

    表示, 分别表示
soraliu commented 4 years ago

    extending or directly underneath, typically with close contact.
        - "High contact pressures cause the feet to penetrate through the loose material and actually compact the soil directly beneath the foot tip."

    at a lower level or layer than.
        - "beneath this floor there's a cellar"

    extending or directly underneath something.
        - "Alsop likes buildings on stilts, that start a long way up in the air and allow landscape to flow beneath ."
    Synonyms: underneath, below, further down, lower down

    at a lower level or layer.
        - "Crustaceous materials such as pavement often must be ripped and removed to expose the earth beneath and permit its excavation."

        - unworthy of, unbecoming to, degrading to, below
        - under, underneath, below, at the foot of, at the bottom of, lower than
        - inferior to, below, not so important as, lower in status than, subordinate to, subservient to

        - underneath, below, further down, lower down
        - below

    - They may be obtained in an isolated state by macerating the leaf and peeling off the cuticle so as to expose the layer beneath which is then easily separated into its components.

    - To enter the job market, many accept lowpaying jobs they would consider beneath them at home.

    - There was a hidden rock beneath the sea, but it was capable of being discovered by the Authority.

    - He could see the torment hiding beneath the colonel's calm exterior.

    - It was buried beneath a layer of dead leaves and twigs.

    - Left by a passing glacier, the boulders acted as umbrellas to the softer rock beneath, protecting it from pluvial erosion.

    - Henry VII brought into fashion the concept of the aristocracy; men beneath the king who could court favor.

    - And with the coffee I am treated to a combative side of him I had suspected lurked beneath his benign surface but never thought to witness.

    - He had a rather bristly mustache beneath his nose, and walked with the deliberation of a turtle.

    - With each shovel of dirt lifted up to expose the layer beneath, he's found the markers leading the way to understanding who he was, who he became and who he is meant to be.

    - Her ability to depict the sensual energy she perceives beneath the appearance of a familiar world gives her work its strength and its strangeness.

    - Suddenly, one of the horses st
umbled, sending the rider crashing through fallen corn stalks and into a hidden pit beneath.

    - An old photo of the pub shows 16th century brickwork beneath the stucco.

    - I saw the kindness beneath.

    - And mages were like the kings of magic by the sounds of it, worshipped by the people who ranked beneath them.

    - He stretched his arms yawning exposing his fangs for a brief second before they vanished beneath his lips.

    - Unlike many other parts of the world, these men would often prefer unemployment to taking a job they consider beneath them.

    - Her eyes held dark shadows beneath them, and her shoulders stooped with exhaustion.

    - Pushing down those already beneath you in the ranks is simply a waste of effort.

    - Is she hiding her grief beneath her calm exterior or could she really be happier living alone!

    - However, twice the significance is given to corrosion in the surface area beneath the protective coating.

    - The top layer of the fabric is slit, exposing the layer beneath or allowing a small piece of colored cloth to be inserted.

    - His main point seems to be that older workers should be willing to take jobs they now consider beneath them.

    - Buried beneath a mountain of covers, Renae lay shivering in her bed.

    - But what lurks beneath the surface, beneath the nerdy glasses and throwback hairstyles of this unlikely pair of modern American film icons?

    - Or, at the least, blue-collar workers who liked their jobs were beneath him.

    - As the interview continues in a nearby shop the man returns with friends who stand threateningly outside with weapons barely hidden beneath their jackets.

    - High contact pressures cause the feet to penetrate through the loose material and actually compact the soil directly beneath the foot tip.

    - Far from being meek, mild and modest, librarians hide beneath their demure appearance hot and passionate personalities.

    - He is unsuitable because he told the press that the offer and job description of the CEO was beneath him.
soraliu commented 4 years ago


Definitions of beneath
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

    在 ... 下面

        under, below, beneath
    在 ... 之下
        under, below, beneath, underneath
    在 ... 下
        under, below, beneath
    在 ... 下方
        below, beneath, underneath
    在 ... 下面
        below, beneath, underneath

    下面, 在下面