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2020-05-18 #21

Open soraliu opened 4 years ago

soraliu commented 4 years ago

    unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile).
        - "The proposals are also encountering some mild resistance from Congress."
    Synonyms: experience, hit, run into, come up against, face, be faced with, confront

    an unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something.
        - "When you go to work, or visit a park, it is possible that you will have a range of unexpected encounters , however fleeting or seemingly inconsequential."
    Synonyms: meeting, chance meeting

        - meet, meet by chance, run into, come across/upon, stumble across/on/upon, chance on/upon, happen on/upon, bump into
        - experience, hit, run into, come up against, face, be faced with, confront
        - come across, run across, run into, meet, see
        - chance, bump, find, happen
        - run into
        - take on, play, meet
        - receive, meet

        - battle, fight, clash, confrontation, struggle, skirmish, engagement, run-in, set-to, scrap
        - meeting, chance meeting
        - meeting
        - brush, clash, skirmish
        - confrontation, face-off, showdown

    - Durrow had won the earlier league encounter and started in a very determined fashion.

    - The traveling I could do without, but I wouldn't give up meeting the several hundred dance educators I encounter on each tour for anything.

    - My first brief encounter with the film was at a very young age.

    - She had to limp through the final stages of the epic encounter, warding off cramp.

    - his close encounter with death

    - Even if they could find the time, they often encounter another obstacle.

    - Another defeat would have left tomorrow's home encounter with Plymouth looking ominous.

    - ‘Border guards…,’ I thought with awe, bracing myself for an unpleasant encounter.

    - He chewed reflectively, his thoughts drifting back to yesterday's encounter with Marina.

    - He said the troops did not encounter any hostile fire.

    - When that fails, the young man has an unpleasant encounter with his family.

    - In addition, the ethnographer will encounter many people who will act as informants.

    - I recalled my recent encounter with the stranger, and my eyes narrowed.

    - He came back strongly in the semi-final encounter against
 Pakistan by making a solid 58 runs.

    - All four are expected to turn out in tomorrow's encounter.

    - And today's encounter against Celtic is just the sort of game he relishes.

    - I'm thinking that this might be the best chance I ever get to have a casual encounter with someone new and exciting.

    - Bands we encounter on the road are always in awe of our awesome van.

    - The complainant says that there had been one previous sexual encounter.

    - When you encounter people who are different from you, don't judge them by how they look or act.

    - He was a bit of a suspicious character to encounter on the streets.

    - She's evidently remembering her previous encounter with a gun.

    - The combination of the two leads him to an unpleasant encounter with the police.

    - what do we know about the people we encounter in our daily lives?

    - He didn't survive his encounter with the men who are supposedly New York's finest.

    - I recently had an unpleasant encounter with a guy who drives a tow truck.

    - The unpleasant encounter put me in a strange state of mind.

    - The last and strangest encounter occurred a couple of years ago in the Maldives.

    - But it won't be a bruising encounter- for tai chi is more about inner peace than unarmed combat.

    - They beg for money, often using bits of broken English they pick up from the occasional soldier they encounter.
soraliu commented 4 years ago

    a practice or trial performance of a play or other work for later public performance.
        - "She is in the second week of rehearsals for her latest production."
    Synonyms: practice, practice session, trial performance, read-through, run-through, walk-through, dress rehearsal, dry run

        - practice, practice session, trial performance, read-through, run-through, walk-through, dress rehearsal, dry run
        - dry run

    - From the writing process, to the rehearsal room, to the studio and to the stage, he has heard them every step of the way.

    - All three smiled confidently and gave a relaxed, free rendition that showed rehearsal time well spent.

    - Caught during a break in rehearsal, they have the air of two people having huge and exhausting fun.

    - Over the next month they will be fitting in as much rehearsal together as possible around their already full diaries.

    - Then, two days before the performance, Ivan sprained his ankle in rehearsal.

    - The renovations will also create a second theatre space and two rehearsal studios.

    - She stretched then stood and left her room, sure that it was nearly time for rehearsal.

    - Not only are there numerous musicians to choose from, but there are also benefits such as free rehearsal space.

    - We spend a lot of time in rehearsal on the floor laughing our heads off, making discoveries, trying things.

    - The team reached the city well in advance and had hectic rehearsal sessions to fine-tune skills.

    - a rehearsal room

    - I thought I detected a blush but they've been very professional in rehearsal.

    - We didn't meet them before because we wanted to work on the characters ourselves and do that in rehearsal.

    - The third will house community art groups, seminar and rehearsal areas and office space.

    - I've had two weeks in rehearsal

    - So here I am in rehearsal doing our last run through of the song.

    - In rehearsal for this particular piece, dancers lay on the floor with their eyes closed.

    - If it's extremely complex, then I'll have to book more rehearsal time to work around it.

    - They had been in rehearsalu00
3c/b> every night for the past two weeks, so they knew what they were doing.

    - The studios will include rehearsal rooms for the benefit of young bands in existence around Waterford.

    - A rehearsal room originally planned for the top floor is now used as a production office.

    - All three plays are now in rehearsal, under the direction of Catherine and Mary.

    - I've had a fortnight in rehearsal

    - One of its latest initiatives to take theatre close to the masses is opening up rehearsals to the public.

    - And from the start of the third term, rehearsals for the end of year show move into full swing.

    - The actors meet and put themselves through months of improvisation and rehearsals before a scene is filmed.

    - Clubs that are taking part in the upcoming drama competition are busy in rehearsals at the moment.

    - She is in the second week of rehearsals for her latest production.

    - We are allowing you to miss the first hour of any of the full orchestra rehearsals if need be.

    - They had followed Laura for a day, in class and rehearsals, getting ready and then appearing in performance.