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2020-05-29 #29

Open soraliu opened 4 years ago

soraliu commented 4 years ago


hi man

 hello guys


(Wèi huǒjì

dàjiā hǎo)

Translations of hi man

 hello guys
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

hi man
    喂伙计, 你好, 喜的男人

hello guys
    大家好, 好家伙
soraliu commented 4 years ago

    take measures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of (something), especially before putting it into widespread use or practice.
        - "Excavations of the ditch have recovered antlers that were left behind and after their age was tested it was revealed that the first henge was built over 50 centuries ago."
    Synonyms: try out, put to the test, put through its paces, experiment with, pilot, check, examine, assess, evaluate, appraise, investigate, analyze, scrutinize, study, probe, explore, trial, sample, screen, assay

    a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use.
        - "The system's performance in cyclic tests at the University of California, Berkeley, was also astonishing."
    Synonyms: trial, experiment, test case, case study, pilot study, trial run, tryout, dry run, check, examination, assessment, evaluation, appraisal, investigation, inspection, analysis, scrutiny, study, probe, exploration, screening, workup, assay

    a movable hearth in a reverberating furnace, used for separating gold or silver from lead.
        - "When introducing a fresh cupel or test , the fire must be low and heat must be applied with great caution, or otherwise the bone ash will split to pieces; and for the same reason the bone ash must be dried very gently."

    the shell or integument of some invertebrates and protozoans, especially the chalky shell of a foraminiferan or the tough outer layer of a tunicate.
        - "The tests of the shells are recrystallized, but the original ornamentation is preserved in very good detail."

        - try out, put to the test, put through its paces, experiment with, pilot, check, examine, assess, evaluate, appraise, investigate, analyze, scrutinize, study, probe, explore, trial, sample, screen, assay
        - put a strain on, strain, tax, try, make demands on, stretch, challenge
        - prove, examine, essay, try, try out
        - screen
        - quiz

        - trial, experiment, test case, case study, pilot study, trial run, tryout, dry run, check, examination, assessment, evaluation, appraisal, investigation, inspection, analysis, scrutiny, study, probe, exploration, screening, workup, assay
        - exam, examination, quiz
        - trial, run
        - trial run, trial, tryout
        - examination, exam
        - trial
        - mental test

    - If the HPV test is positive for the high risk type, then the patient warrants a closer look.

    - Do you want to compare answers with your buddies during the break and then start writing the test?

    - The thyroid gland itself may be checked using a test called scintigraphy.

    - One test for the presence of silver ions in solution is to add chloride ions to the solution.

    - The coming years are going to be difficult, and everyone will have to assess their own business, to test its viability before proceeding.

    - The Dakar Rally is a serious test of endurance and adaptability.

    - Since the beast was invincible by arrow or club the contest was a 
u003cb>test of physical strength and endurance.

    - Using the same pan, fry a small patty of the meat mixture and taste to test the seasoning.

    - The initial investigations are a sensitive pregnancy test and ultrasonography.

    - a spelling test

    - Adrian had endured the ultimate test of strength in a man, and here he was, alive and telling it all.

    - The year ahead will test our political establishment to the limit.

    - And it is the daunting measuring stick to test a rower's physical capabilities.

    - The test is positive if both samples grow bacteria and if the catheter sample grows at least three times as many bacteria as the peripheral blood sample.

    - It will be a test of their strength, their mental toughness and their attitude.

    - Thus a potentially useful bargain spawned a serious crisis and test of strength and will between opposed alliance systems.

    - several trial runs were carried out to test the special brakes

    - I answered the question, took a seat, wrote the test, handed it in and left.

    - Overall, he believes the game will be a test for their reserve strength.

    - It involves a series of activities designed to test the knowledge and skills of the recruits.

    - The actual probability depends not only on the reliability of the test, but also the number of infections in the population to begin with.

    - It was an unequalled test of courage, strength and endurance, technique being less important than character.

    - It was meant to be a crucial exam to test the basic skills of ambulance workers who wanted to step up the career ladder and become paramedics.

    - We asked the parliamentary candidates for Wimbledon to tell us a bit about themselves and then we subjected them to a test of their knowledge of their area.

    - a statutory test of obscenity

    - Her CV secured her an invite to an audition which would test her flexibility, strength, floor work and aerial skills.

    - Maybe, but knowing, and knowing when to know is the true test of knowledge.

    - such behaviour would severely test any marriage

    - The agency has also announced sweeping measures to tag and test US cattle and other steps to boost confidence.

    - It is, unquestionably the greatest test of mental strength this present side has ever faced.
soraliu commented 4 years ago

    planned or meant.
        - "The intended targets were military vehicles parked about half a mile away."
    Synonyms: deliberate, intentional, calculated, conscious, planned, studied, knowing, willful, purposeful, done on purpose, premeditated, preplanned, preconceived

    the person one intends to marry; one's fiancé or fiancée.
        - "I have seen your intended involved in numerous situations that have repulsed me and that are too shocking for me to relate on paper."
    Synonyms: fiancée, fiancé, bride-to-be, wife-to-be, husband-to-be, future wife, future husband, prospective spouse, betrothed

        - deliberate, intentional, calculated, conscious, planned, studied, knowing, willful, purposeful, done on purpose, premeditated, preplanned, preconceived

        - fiancée, fiancé, bride-to-be, wife-to-be, husband-to-be, future wife, future husband, prospective spouse, betrothed

        - plan, mean, have in mind, have the intention, aim, propose, aspire, hope, expect, be resolved, be determined, want, wish, contemplate, think of, envisage, envision, design, earmark, designate, set aside, purpose
        - designate, destine, specify
        - mean
        - mean, think
        - mean, signify, stand for

    - I wonder if the intended comedy is supposed to be in trying figure out if she's aware of what's going on.

    - By June there was a happy outcome to the intended baths closure.

    - When a female moves into her intended's home, is she choosing the guy or his real estate?

    - Gardaí believe the second victim was not an intended target and may have been shot accidentally.

    - Since the shots aren't taken from the intended perspective, the people in them appear to be holding unseen objects in the air.

    - The chairman missed a golden opportunity to reach his intended goal and the team failed to hit expected targets.

    - He praised the intended victim for her quick thinking and caution.

    - The intended targets were military vehicles parked about half a mile away.

    - She is now extremely frail and the intended move is certain to have a detrimental effect on her physical and emotional well being.

    - Was it possible, I wondered, to change there and catch a connecting service to my intended destination?

    - While the movie has an obviously childlike feel, it's difficult to be sure of its intended audience.

    - The intended target is made clear by references to what to expect when entering Britain.

    - All true and undisputed and worth remembering, Ted, but somewhat beside the u00
3cb>intended point.

    - It's not clear what the intended target actually was or who was behind the attack.

    - My sister and her intended have decided to make an amalgam of their two last names.

    - That way you will be spared the house and still be able to introduce your folks to your intended.

    - The numbers for intended suicides and incidents of self-harm are much higher.

    - Obviously the intended targets for these messages were their supposed supporters in the West.

    - The intended use of the piece will determine the type of finish applied.

    - The men started to drive off with their intended victim but she scratched the face of one of her attackers and escaped.

    - Is it due to the short attention span of her intended audience.

    - They are luring their intended victims into a false sense of security.

    - It may not be a sound you enjoy, but it surely has meaning for the male's intended!

    - Detectives are trying to establish who the intended victim was and believe he lives locally.

    - I have seen your intended involved in numerous situations that have repulsed me and that are too shocking for me to relate on paper.

    - This is a position taken by some feminist writers who have argued that only research on women that is intendedly for women will be consistent with the wider political needs of women.

See also
soraliu commented 4 years ago



    planned or meant.
        - "The intended targets were military vehicles parked about half a mile away."
    Synonyms: deliberate, intentional, calculated, conscious, planned, studied, knowing, willful, purposeful, done on purpose, premeditated, preplanned, preconceived

    the person one intends to marry; one's fiancé or fiancée.
        - "I have seen your intended involved in numerous situations that have repulsed me and that are too shocking for me to relate on paper."
    Synonyms: fiancée, fiancé, bride-to-be, wife-to-be, husband-to-be, future wife, future husband, prospective spouse, betrothed

        - deliberate, intentional, calculated, conscious, planned, studied, knowing, willful, purposeful, done on purpose, premeditated, preplanned, preconceived

        - fiancée, fiancé, bride-to-be, wife-to-be, husband-to-be, future wife, future husband, prospective spouse, betrothed

        - plan, mean, have in mind, have the intention, aim, propose, aspire, hope, expect, be resolved, be determined, want, wish, contemplate, think of, envisage, envision, design, earmark, designate, set aside, purpose
        - designate, destine, specify
        - mean
        - mean, think
        - mean, signify, stand for

    - Gardaí believe the second victim was not an intended target and may have been shot accidentally.

    - The numbers for intended suicides and incidents of self-harm are much higher.

    - The intended target is made clear by references to what to expect when entering Britain.

    - The chairman missed a golden opportunity to reach his intended goal and the team failed to hit expected targets.

    - While the movie has an obviously childlike feel, it's difficult to be sure of its intended audience.

    - All true and undisputed and worth remembering, Ted, but somewhat beside the intended point.

    - Was it possible, I wondered, to change there and catch a connecting service to my intended destination?

    - I wonder if the intended comedy is supposed to be in trying figure out if she's aware of what's going on.

    - That way you will be spared the house and still be able to introduce your folks to your intended.

    - It may not be a sound you enjoy, but it surely has meaning for the male's intended!

    - Since the shots aren't taken from the intended perspective, the people in them appear to be holding unseen objects in the air.

    - Obviously the intended targets for these messages were their supposed supporters in the West.

    - The intended targets were military
 vehicles parked about half a mile away.

    - He praised the intended victim for her quick thinking and caution.

    - My sister and her intended have decided to make an amalgam of their two last names.

    - They are luring their intended victims into a false sense of security.

    - It's not clear what the intended target actually was or who was behind the attack.

    - I have seen your intended involved in numerous situations that have repulsed me and that are too shocking for me to relate on paper.

    - She is now extremely frail and the intended move is certain to have a detrimental effect on her physical and emotional well being.

    - When a female moves into her intended's home, is she choosing the guy or his real estate?

    - The men started to drive off with their intended victim but she scratched the face of one of her attackers and escaped.

    - By June there was a happy outcome to the intended baths closure.

    - The intended use of the piece will determine the type of finish applied.

    - Is it due to the short attention span of her intended audience.

    - Detectives are trying to establish who the intended victim was and believe he lives locally.

    - This is a position taken by some feminist writers who have argued that only research on women that is intendedly for women will be consistent with the wider political needs of women.

See also
soraliu commented 4 years ago

    take measures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of (something), especially before putting it into widespread use or practice.
        - "Excavations of the ditch have recovered antlers that were left behind and after their age was tested it was revealed that the first henge was built over 50 centuries ago."
    Synonyms: try out, put to the test, put through its paces, experiment with, pilot, check, examine, assess, evaluate, appraise, investigate, analyze, scrutinize, study, probe, explore, trial, sample, screen, assay

    a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use.
        - "The system's performance in cyclic tests at the University of California, Berkeley, was also astonishing."
    Synonyms: trial, experiment, test case, case study, pilot study, trial run, tryout, dry run, check, examination, assessment, evaluation, appraisal, investigation, inspection, analysis, scrutiny, study, probe, exploration, screening, workup, assay

    a movable hearth in a reverberating furnace, used for separating gold or silver from lead.
        - "When introducing a fresh cupel or test , the fire must be low and heat must be applied with great caution, or otherwise the bone ash will split to pieces; and for the same reason the bone ash must be dried very gently."

    the shell or integument of some invertebrates and protozoans, especially the chalky shell of a foraminiferan or the tough outer layer of a tunicate.
        - "The tests of the shells are recrystallized, but the original ornamentation is preserved in very good detail."

        - try out, put to the test, put through its paces, experiment with, pilot, check, examine, assess, evaluate, appraise, investigate, analyze, scrutinize, study, probe, explore, trial, sample, screen, assay
        - put a strain on, strain, tax, try, make demands on, stretch, challenge
        - prove, examine, essay, try, try out
        - screen
        - quiz

        - trial, experiment, test case, case study, pilot study, trial run, tryout, dry run, check, examination, assessment, evaluation, appraisal, investigation, inspection, analysis, scrutiny, study, probe, exploration, screening, workup, assay
        - exam, examination, quiz
        - trial, run
        - trial run, trial, tryout
        - examination, exam
        - trial
        - mental test

    - It was an unequalled test of courage, strength and endurance, technique being less important than character.

    - And it is the daunting measuring stick to test a rower's physical capabilities.

    - such behavior would severely test any marriage

    - The coming years are going to be difficult, and everyone will have to assess their own business, to test its viability before proceeding.

    - The agency has also announced sweeping measures to tag and test US cattle and other steps to boost confidence.

    - But the original building was opened in 1867 by Bradford Corporation to test the weight and quality of wool.

    - Adrian had endured the ultimate u003
cb>test of strength in a man, and here he was, alive and telling it all.

    - Since the beast was invincible by arrow or club the contest was a test of physical strength and endurance.

    - It will be a test of their strength, their mental toughness and their attitude.

    - On the other hand, there may be potential adverse psychological effects from a positive test.

    - Their work aims to provide valid exposure data and to develop reliable methods to test different types of mobile phones.

    - The results of the studies that measured reliability indicate that the test can be reliable if a standard procedure is used.

    - this is the first serious test of the peace agreement

    - The test, when placed in position, forms the bed of the furnace, with the long diameter transversely.

    - Anticoagulation therapy was withheld unless the ultrasound test was positive.

    - This week's What's Your Decision will really test you and show you just how hard umpiring can be.

    - a useful way to test out ideas before implementation

    - It is, unquestionably the greatest test of mental strength this present side has ever faced.

    - a spelling test

    - Do you want to compare answers with your buddies during the break and then start writing the test?

    - The actual probability depends not only on the reliability of the test, but also the number of infections in the population to begin with.

    - Judging applicants must pass a written test, demonstrating their knowledge of these rules.

    - a positive test for protein

    - The best way to test a chilli for strength is to munch a bit before cooking.

    - This young lad, since passing his test, has written off two cars in self inflicted accidents.

    - Maybe, but knowing, and knowing when to know is the true test of knowledge.

    - a statutory test of obscenity

    - Thus a potentially useful bargain spawned a serious crisis and test of strength and will between opposed alliance systems.

    - several trial runs were carried out to test the special brakes

    - four fax modems are on test
soraliu commented 4 years ago

See also