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2020-08-25 #64

Open soraliu opened 3 years ago

soraliu commented 3 years ago
she worked hard to overcome her paralyzing shyness

(Tā nǔlì kèfú tānhuàn de hàixiū)

Translations of she worked hard to overcome her paralyzing shyness
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

she worked hard to overcome her paralyzing shyness
    她努力克服瘫痪的害羞, 她努力克服麻痹她害羞
soraliu commented 3 years ago
she worked hard to overcome her paralyzing shyness

(Tā nǔlì kèfú tānhuàn de hàixiū)

Translations of she worked hard to overcome her paralyzing shyness
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

she worked hard to overcome her paralyzing shyness
    她努力克服瘫痪的害羞, 她努力克服麻痹她害羞
soraliu commented 3 years ago

    a person whose job is to enlist or enroll people as employees, in the armed forces, or as members of an organization.
        - "military recruiters"

    - a recruiter will schedule you for an interview
soraliu commented 3 years ago
I should never have joined you

(Wǒ bù yìng gāi jiārù nǐ de hángliè)

Translations of I should never have joined you
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

I should never have joined you
    我不应该加入你的行列, 我不应该加入你
soraliu commented 3 years ago
a cold wind began to blow

(Hán fēng kāishǐ chuī)

Translations of a cold wind began to blow
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

a cold wind began to blow
soraliu commented 3 years ago
he blew on his coffee to cool it

(Tā chuī kāfēi lěngquè)

Translations of he blew on his coffee to cool it
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

he blew on his coffee to cool it
    他吹咖啡冷却, 他吹在他的咖啡凉了
soraliu commented 3 years ago
I saw no-one besides Brian

(Chúle bù lài ēn, wǒ méiyǒu kàn dào rènhé rén)

Translations of I saw no-one besides Brian
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

I saw no-one besides Brian
    除了布赖恩,我没有看到任何人, 我看到,除了布莱恩没有人
soraliu commented 3 years ago

    the furnishing and decoration of a room.
        - "inside, the decor is elegant and traditional"
    Synonyms: decoration, furnishing, furbishing, ornamentation, look, color scheme

        - decoration, furnishing, furbishing, ornamentation, look, color scheme

    - inside, the decor is elegant and traditional

    - a decor that strained too hard to convey class

    - the decor revolves around a night-time street scene
soraliu commented 3 years ago
the decor is a harmonious blend of traditional and modern

(Zhuāngshì shì chuántǒng yǔ xiàndài de héxié rónghé)

Translations of the decor is a harmonious blend of traditional and modern
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

the decor is a harmonious blend of traditional and modern
    装饰是传统与现代的和谐融合, 装饰是传统与现代和谐交融
soraliu commented 3 years ago

    the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.
        - "an addiction to gambling"
    Synonyms: monkey, jones

        - dependency, dependence, craving, habit, weakness, compulsion, fixation, enslavement
        - monkey, jones

    - he committed the theft to finance his drug addiction

    - an addiction to gambling
soraliu commented 3 years ago

    a person who is addicted to a particular substance, typically an illegal drug.
        - "a former heroin addict"
    Synonyms: abuser, user

        - narcotist, morphinist, morphiomaniac, etheromaniac, viper
        - junkie, druggy, druggie, space cadet, -freak, -head, -fiend, tripper, hype, hypo, cokey, pill popper, metho, hophead, hoppy, needle man, schmecker, snowbird, drugger, dope, dopester, junker, snifter
        - enthusiast, fan, fanatic, lover, devotee, aficionado, master, wizard, adherent, follower, admirer, buff, freak, nut, fiend, maniac, ace, geek, jock, fundi
        - abuser, user

    - she's a gambling addict

    - a former heroin addict

    - he's a real addict of technology

    - a self-confessed chocolate addict

    - a must-buy book for the crossword-puzzle addict
soraliu commented 3 years ago

    using or characterized by irony.
        - "his mouth curved into an ironic smile"
    Synonyms: sarky

        - sarcastic, sardonic, dry, caustic, sharp, stinging, scathing, acerbic, acid, bitter, trenchant, mordant, cynical, mocking, satirical, scoffing, ridiculing, derisory, derisive, scornful, sneering, wry, double-edged, backhanded, tongue-in-cheek
        - paradoxical, incongruous, odd, strange, weird, peculiar, unexpected
        - sarky

    - his mouth curved into an ironic smile

    - it was ironic that now that everybody had plenty of money for food, they couldn't obtain it because everything was rationed
soraliu commented 3 years ago

    the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.
        - "every shade of color is fixed by tradition and governed by religious laws"
    Synonyms: historical convention, unwritten law, oral history, heritage, lore, folklore, old wives' tales

    a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not in the scriptures.

        - praxis
        - historical convention, unwritten law, oral history, heritage, lore, folklore, old wives' tales
        - style, movement, method
        - custom, practice, convention, ritual, ceremony, observance, wont, routine, way, rule, usage, habit, institution, principle, belief

    - there's a tradition that it's cursed

    - oral tradition

    - visionary works in the tradition of William Blake

    - there's a tradition of visiting the well

    - that tradition is being revived

    - France has a long tradition of striking

    - by tradition, accountants are self-employed

    - it's a church tradition

    - they're continuing the tradition

    - according to the oral tradition

    - every shade of color is fixed by tradition and governed by religious laws

    - it's a family tradition
soraliu commented 3 years ago
here comes my takeaway

(Wǒ de wàimài láile)

Translations of here comes my takeaway
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

here comes my takeaway
    我的外卖来了, 这才是我的外卖