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2020-08-27 #66

Open soraliu opened 3 years ago

soraliu commented 3 years ago

    evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.
        - "it is difficult to assess whether this is a new trend"
    Synonyms: evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise, form an opinion of, check out, form an impression of, make up one's mind about, get the measure of, determine, weigh up, analyze

        - value, put a value on, calculate, compute, work out, determine, fix, cost, price, estimate
        - size up
        - evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise, form an opinion of, check out, form an impression of, make up one's mind about, get the measure of, determine, weigh up, analyze

    - we must assess the situation

    - it is difficult to assess whether this is a new trend

    - to assess an applicant

    - the survey will assess if customers are happy

    - the committee must assess the relative importance of the issues
soraliu commented 3 years ago

    a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
        - "it's no coincidence that this new burst of innovation has occurred in the free nations"
    Synonyms: accident, chance, serendipity, fate, a twist of fate, destiny, fortuity, fortune, providence, freak, hazard, a piece of good fortune, (a bit of) luck, (a bit of) good luck, a fluke, a happy chance, happenstance

    correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.
        - "the coincidence of interest between the mining companies and certain politicians"
    Synonyms: co-occurrence, coexistence, conjunction, simultaneity, simultaneousness, contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, concomitance, synchronicity, synchrony, clash, conflict

    the presence of ionizing particles or other objects in two or more detectors simultaneously, or of two or more signals simultaneously in a circuit.

        - correspondence, agreement, accord, concurrence, match, fit, consistency, conformity, harmony, compatibility, dovetailing, correlation, parallelism, similarity, likeness
        - co-occurrence, coexistence, conjunction, simultaneity, simultaneousness, contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, concomitance, synchronicity, synchrony, clash, conflict
        - accident, chance, serendipity, fate, a twist of fate, destiny, fortuity, fortune, providence, freak, hazard, a piece of good fortune, (a bit of) luck, (a bit of) good luck, a fluke, a happy chance, happenstance

    - they met by coincidence

    - the coincidence of interest between the mining companies and certain politicians

    - it's no coincidence that this new burst of innovation has occurred in the free nations
soraliu commented 3 years ago
There are a number of unnamed stars in our galaxy

(Wǒmen yínhéxì zhōng yǒu xǔduō wèi mìngmíng de héngxīng)

Translations of There are a number of unnamed stars in our galaxy
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

There are a number of unnamed stars in our galaxy
    我们银河系中有许多未命名的恒星, 有一些在我们的银河系恒星无名的
soraliu commented 3 years ago

    using or expressed in too many words.
        - "a wordy and repetitive account"
    Synonyms: pleonastic, logorrhoeic, ambagious

        - windy, talky, waffly
        - long-winded, verbose, prolix, full of verbiage, lengthy, protracted, long-drawn-out, diffuse, discursive, rambling, digressive, maundering, circumlocutory, periphrastic, repetitious, tautological, tortuous, loquacious, garrulous, voluble
        - pleonastic, logorrhoeic, ambagious

    - on the publication of Worcester's dictionary, a wordy war arose

    - a wordy and repetitive account
soraliu commented 3 years ago
Prow's tackle utility walks you through deploying a new instance of prow in a couple minutes, try it out!

(Prow de chǎn qiú shíyòng chéngxù jiāng yǐndǎo nín zài jǐ fēnzhōng nèi bùshǔ xīn de prow shílì, ránhòu chángshì yīxià!)

Translations of Prow's tackle utility walks you through deploying a new instance of prow in a couple minutes, try it out!
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

Prow's tackle utility walks you through deploying a new instance of prow in a couple minutes, try it out!
    Prow的铲球实用程序将引导您在几分钟内部署新的prow实例,然后尝试一下!, 船头的解决工具引导您在几分钟部署船头的新实例,试试吧!