soramimi / SkyMPC

MPD client
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Not using system fonts? #1

Closed mmetak closed 7 years ago

mmetak commented 7 years ago

Hi. As you can see on the screenshot skympc (left window) is not using the right font which is set with qt5ct (right window). Other qt5 apps all use the right font. postimage

btw I also maintain 'skympc-git' package in AUR for archlinux. ;-)

soramimi commented 7 years ago

Please check the function 'QString BasicMainWindow::makeStyleSheetText()', it changes fonts. On linux, fonts is set to 'VL PGothic'. This is best for Japanese, but it may not be the case in other languages. Especially, the code 's += "* {%1;}";' is affects all fonts used in the program. If you remove it, it may be displayed in your favorite font.

mmetak commented 7 years ago

Thanks, it works/looks fine as far I can tell. I'll apply a patch to remove that line.