Closed mcdougelas closed 11 months ago
I don't think so, this project is mainly for creating a TV webhook signal which is not expected to activate URL. You may checkout fabston's TradingView-Webhook-Bot it can convent a webhook signal to various forms.
Im trying to add one more step by reply message to telegram bot, but it giving me more duration 🙈
Seems it took quite a long time to send the tg msg but it should be fine for notification purposes.
Still, I really hope that you can help me provide a solution on how to put the above code in the URL webhook section, so that we can save a few more seconds. Thank you in advance 🙏
Oh, i get helped by gpt about my request and it give me some code for reference
import requests
telegram_bot_token = "YourTelegramBotToken"
telegram_chat_id = "YourTelegramChatID"
alert_message = "YourAlertMessage"
url = f"{telegram_bot_token}/sendMessage"
params = {"chat_id": telegram_chat_id, "text": alert_message}
response =, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Pesan berhasil dikirim ke Telegram.")
print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
Can this code be used too?
All right, I will add the tg feature to it. Give me a day.
Here you are. It should fit your needs.
import re
import json
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
from datetime import datetime
# =====================================
# =====================================
webhook_urls = [
# vv for logging (fill in the webhook URL if you need)
discord_webhook_url = r""
# 4 = info, ok, warning, error
# 3 = ok, warning, error
# 2 = warning, error
# 1 = error only
# 0 = OFF
log_level = 4
# Telegram Bot Notification (leave blank if you don't need)
tg_bot_token = ""
tg_chat_id = ""
# =====================================
# =====================================
show_welcome_msg = False
url_regex = "https?://([A-Za-z_0-9.-]+).*"
dc_embeds_sample = [{
"title": "",
"description": "",
"color": 5533306,
"footer": {
"text": "Developed by Freeman(soranoo)",
"icon_url": ""
class log:
def info(payload):
if (log_level < 4 or log_level < 0):
embeds = dc_embeds_sample.copy()
embeds[0]["title"] = "INFO"
embeds[0]["description"] = payload
embeds[0]["color"] = 5533306
send_msg_to_dc("", embeds)
def ok(payload:str):
if (log_level < 3 or log_level < 0):
embeds = dc_embeds_sample.copy()
embeds[0]["title"] = "OK"
embeds[0]["description"] = payload
embeds[0]["color"] = 5763719
send_msg_to_dc("", embeds)
def warning(payload:str):
if (log_level < 2 or log_level < 0):
embeds = dc_embeds_sample.copy()
embeds[0]["title"] = "WARNING"
embeds[0]["description"] = payload
embeds[0]["color"] = 16776960
send_msg_to_dc("", embeds)
def error(payload:str):
if (log_level < 1 or log_level < 0):
embeds = dc_embeds_sample.copy()
embeds[0]["title"] = "ERROR"
embeds[0]["description"] = payload
embeds[0]["color"] = 15548997
send_msg_to_dc("", embeds)
def extract_domain_name(url:str):
m =, url)
if m:
return None
def post_request(webhook_url:str, payload:str or json, auto_json_dumps:bool = True):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11"
data = json.dumps(payload) if auto_json_dumps else payload
# start a session
session = requests.Session()
# set retry policy
retry = Retry(connect=3, backoff_factor=0.5)
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
# add adapter to session
session.mount('http://', adapter)
session.mount('https://', adapter)
# send request
response =, data=data, headers=headers)
return response
def send_msg_to_tg(message):
if (len(tg_bot_token.strip()) == 0 or len(tg_chat_id.strip()) == 0):
return # empty token or chat ID
payload = json.dumps({'chat_id': f"{tg_chat_id}", 'text': f"{message}"})
post_request(f"{tg_bot_token}/sendMessage", payload, False)
def send_msg_to_dc(message, embeds=None):
if (len(discord_webhook_url.strip()) == 0):
return # empty URL
if extract_domain_name(discord_webhook_url) is None:
print("Invalid Discord Webhook URL")
payload = json.dumps({'content': f"{message}", "embeds":embeds} )
post_request(discord_webhook_url, payload, False)
def send_webhook(payload:str):
# load json
payload = json.loads(payload)
except ValueError as err:
# loop
for webhook_url in webhook_urls:
domain = extract_domain_name(webhook_url)
if domain is None:
log.warning(f"Send webhook failed.\nReason: invalid URL <{webhook_url}>\nContent: {payload}")
currentTime =
res = post_request(webhook_url, payload)
time_used = ( * 1000
if (res.status_code == 200):
log.ok(f"Webhook Sent!\n\nProcess Time: {time_used}ms\nDomain: {domain}\nFull URL: {webhook_url}\nContent: {payload}")
log.error(f"Send webhook failed.\nReason: {res.text}\nStatus: {res.status_code}\n\nDomain: {domain}\nFull URL: {webhook_url}\nContent: {payload}")
def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
global show_welcome_msg
if not show_welcome_msg:"You are GOOD to go!\n\n")
show_welcome_msg = True
# extract data from previous steps
content = pd.steps["trigger"]["event"]["body"]["text"]
from_email = pd.steps["trigger"]["event"]["headers"]["from"]["value"][0]["address"]
if from_email in [""]:
Is that possible creating alert to telegram group using this code<YourBotToken>/sendMessage?chat_id=<YourChatID>&text={{strategy.order.alert_message}}