I've just realized when see this message from console:
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Just run the package at latest version v2.2.14
Expected behavior
module.exports = {
enable: true, // Enable or disable the plugin.
mode: "random", // Obfuscate mode, "random" or "simplify".
buildFolderPath: ".next", // Build folder of your project.
classConversionJsonFolderPath: "./css-obfuscator", // The folder path to store the before obfuscate and after obfuscated classes conversion table.
refreshClassConversionJson: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production", // Refresh the class conversion JSON file.
classLength: 6, // Length of the obfuscated class name.
classPrefix: "n", // Prefix of the obfuscated class name.
classSuffix: "", // Suffix of the obfuscated class name.
classIgnore: [
], // The class names to be ignored during obfuscation.
allowExtensions: [".jsx", ".tsx", ".js", ".ts", ".html", ".rsc"], // The file extensions to be processed.
contentIgnoreRegexes: [/\.jsxs\)\("\w+"/g], // The regexes to match the file content to be ignored during obfuscation.
whiteListedFolderPaths: [], // Only obfuscate files in these folders
blackListedFolderPaths: [
], // Don't obfuscate files in these folders
enableMarkers: false, // Enable or disable the obfuscate marker classes.
markers: ["obf"], // Classes that indicate component(s) need to obfuscate.
removeMarkersAfterObfuscated: true, // Remove the obfuscation markers from HTML elements after obfuscation.
removeOriginalCss: true, // Delete original CSS from CSS files if it has a obfuscated version.
generatorSeed: "84817818898", // The seed for the random generator.
//! Experimental feature (Alpha)
enableJsAst: false, // Whether to obfuscate JS files using abstract syntax tree parser (Experimental feature)
logLevel: "info", // Log level
Describe the bug Missing
<!DOCTYPE html>
after obfuscated.Just happen in versions later than
: hoangnhan.co.uk:v2.2.10
I've just realized when see this message from console:
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Just run the package at latest version
Expected behavior
Related files
Not obfuscate:
After obfuscated: