when using .rank , .value to access the value of kv pair, it is okay.
in the orderCards() function, which of the three keys ( or any of possible keys in broader application cases) will be passed is unknown. in other words, when key is a variable, bracket notation must be used. dot notation is undefined here.
In addition, if key(identifier for obj) is like these
Invalid JavaScript Identifier:
Starts with a digit.
Contains special characters other than underscore (_).
Contains spaces or punctuation marks (except for underscores).
Examples of invalid identifiers: 123variable, my-variable, my variable, my.variable.
bracket notation must be used.
function getValue(cardsArr){
return cardsArr.reduce((accumulator,card) => accumulator + card.value,0)
function getRanks(cardsArr, rank){
return cardsArr.filter(card => card.rank === rank)
function orderCards(cardsArr, prop){
// a more complext conditional needed for custom sorting func
// essentially sort() accepts >0, 0, <0
return cardsArr.sort((a,b) =>{
// begins conditionals
// bracket notation must be used to access values
// because property name aka key of an object is a varaible, thus not known beforehand
if(a[prop] > b[prop]){
return 1
else if(a[prop] < b[prop]){
return -1
return 0
js obj looks like this
when using .rank , .value to access the value of kv pair, it is okay.
in the orderCards() function, which of the three keys ( or any of possible keys in broader application cases) will be passed is unknown. in other words, when key is a variable, bracket notation must be used. dot notation is undefined here.
In addition, if key(identifier for obj) is like these
bracket notation must be used.