sorayuki / obs-multi-rtmp

GNU General Public License v2.0
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macOS version? #27

Open MechanisM opened 4 years ago

MechanisM commented 4 years ago

Hey, macOS version planned? I'm on a mac and can test/contribute

sorayuki commented 4 years ago

Hey, I have no mac and not familiar to it at all. I think I uses no windows specified function calls in source code, they may have chance to work on macOS.

The step of build windows version is:

  1. prepare OBS i. download zip file of obs-studio release for windows, extract the archive to obs-bin folder. ii. download the source code zip file of same version to release, extract to obs-src folder. (I heard that obs-frontend-api.h is not contained in Linux release?) iii. make import library for DLL files. use pexports to get function list from DLL files, and then use link.exe tool from Visual C++ to create lib file from function list. (I heard that dynlib and so can link to executable directly, no import library is need?)

the step iii will be done in CMake script automatically.

  1. prepare QT QT in same version as OBS release using is required. The official site of QT doesn't provide 5.10.1 version which OBS windows release is using. This version can be found in OBS's CI script.

  2. cmake configure parameter for cmake can be found in build.bat. specified the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable to a folder to retrieve the release.

  3. cmake build & cmake install

Hope the steps can make some sense for building under macOS version.

MechanisM commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I'll try it

mpp162 commented 4 years ago

Hey @MechanisM ! I'm interested in this too, did you try it?

danilosantossdbrasil commented 3 years ago

@ all Jul 14, 2020 - Jat


mac package:

arch and arch based distros users can use aur obs-multi-rtmp

lucianahanan commented 3 years ago

Can I run this mac .pkg normally on macOS catalina? Or do I haver to compile something first? The OBS version from mac might not be the same as the one from windows, anyone tested if it actually works ?

jat001 commented 3 years ago

@YammYcoding I built it on macOS so I certainly tested it

jat001 commented 3 years ago

u can find the latest build on I did not test it but should be work.

ChrisChinchilla commented 3 years ago

I tested it, seemed to work. happy to help maintain a macOS version somehow.

hwangjr commented 3 years ago The newest version for mac has build failed, any bro can fix this issue? from log seems like qt download has failed.

Error: Calling Non-checksummed download of qt formula file from an arbitrary URL is disabled! Use 'brew extract' or 'brew create' and 'brew tap-new' to create a formula file in a tap on GitHub instead.
If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core):
Command exited with code 1
Build failed
zonbar commented 3 years ago

how to build on mac? see this error ⬇️

JondeMac-mini:~ mac$ /Users/mac/Downloads/obs-multi-rtmp/

sorayuki commented 3 years ago

how to build on mac? see this error ⬇️

JondeMac-mini:~ mac$ /Users/mac/Downloads/obs-multi-rtmp/

  • : 0
  • : '/Library/Application Support'
  • : /usr/local/opt/qt
  • : /Applications/
  • : /Users/mac/Downloads/obs-multi-rtmp
  • lib_path='dist//Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-multi-rtmp/bin/' ++ grep 'obs-multi-rtmp VERSION' CMakeLists.txt grep: CMakeLists.txt: No such file or directory
  • ver=

Hi, how about have a try on but you may find the way to install it yourself

zonbar commented 3 years ago

如何在Mac上构建? 看到此错误⬇️ JondeMac-mini:〜mac $ /用户/ mac /下载/obs-multi-rtmp/

  • :0
  • :'/图书馆/应用程序支持'
  • :/ usr / local / opt / qt
  • :/Applications/
  • :/ Users / mac / Downloads / obs-multi-rtmp
  • lib_path ='dist // Library / Application Support / obs-studio / plugins / obs-multi-rtmp / bin /' ++ grep'obs-multi-rtmp VERSION'CMakeLists.txt grep:CMakeLists .txt:没有这样的文件或目录
  • ver =

嗨,尝试一下怎么样, 但是您可能会找到自己安装它的方法

sorry,i never find the mac version,it must be (.so)file or pkg?

sorayuki commented 3 years ago


kilinbox commented 3 years ago

sorry, I am releasing is not a pkg. This is because I can't make pkg. Please copy 'obs-multi-rtmp' folder to '/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/'.

sorayuki commented 3 years ago

sorry, I am releasing is not a pkg. This is because I can't make pkg. Please copy 'obs-multi-rtmp' folder to '/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/'.

thank you for your work. I have added your manual page link to

zonbar commented 3 years ago
