sorayuki / obs-multi-rtmp

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Resolution bug on obs 30.2.0 ( beta 3 ) #429

Open JoqniX opened 3 weeks ago

JoqniX commented 3 weeks ago

hi! i'm currently facing a weird bug where the custom resolution setting i set in the plugin, doesn't send out output feed in correct resolution. obs version - 30.2.0 -beta3 main obs setting is - 2560x1440 setting in rtmp plugin - 1664x936 this is wut is happening when i stream to twitch. ( im using a service called casterlabs multistream ! i did check testing directly with twitch as well. same result ) image

if i were to remove the custom resolution, it works well! but no matter what custom resolution i input - 720p 1080p etc. the result is the same!

this was working well on 30.1.2

here's the screenshot of plugin settings image

obs settings - image

hope this bug would be fixed before stable 30.2.0 gets released!

sorayuki commented 2 weeks ago

image image image

Hello, I can't reproduce the problem

sorayuki commented 2 weeks ago

Do you mind checking the log file to see if something unexpected happened?

JoqniX commented 2 weeks ago

Do you mind checking the log file to see if something unexpected happened?

i had switched back to stable, it was for production. i was able to find 1 log of 30.2.0, i hope this helps! i can try to see if i get this same issue again by switching to current beta again.

here's the log - 2024-06-17 15-34-30.txt

im bad at reading logs but i noticed some stuff such as this - 16:53:16.158: encoder 'multi-rtmp-venc243550575': Cannot set the scaled resolution after the encoder has been initialized & 15:57:08.822: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QDialog "", which already has a layout ( i dont know if this is related to obs rtmp plugin)

i doubt it might be due to my scene collection having alot of stuff. it still does work well on stable - 30.1.2 ill check and update here!

sorayuki commented 2 weeks ago

It's strange that the encoder has been initialized before being set resolution. I'll check it later.

JoqniX commented 2 weeks ago

here's the latest log! currently testing it! from beta 4. 2024-06-24 20-55-58.txt main setting - was in 1280x720 -> for yt rtmp plugin setting was - 1664x936 -> for twitch

on twitch it shows - 720p but kinda zoomed ish? dunno why? image

here's yt image

It's strange that the encoder has been initialized before being set resolution. I'll check it later. yea i believe that's that's the issue happening here! do let me know if you want me to test it again from my end~ but yea! thank you for responding quickly! ✨

sorayuki commented 1 week ago

Hi, I noticed that this line is presented in your log file:

[obs-nvenc] CPU scaling enabled, falling back to non-texture encoder

I checked my source code and pretty sure it uses bicubic gpu scaling.

Then I found you are using an old version of this plugin.

Would you mind update it to the latest release 0.6?

JoqniX commented 1 week ago

yes it seems to be working well now on v0.6! Thank you!! ( it completely slipped my mind, to download the latest version and check when i was having the issue. ) if its possible~ please do try to add this to your to-do list for next update~

could you add the version of the plugin somewhere. and if there's a new version available a way for users to get reminded to update to the latest version. ( this way it would help others to come back here and get the latest version. whenever its out. )