sordfish / project-clematis

Ideas and test code for Engine control on an FPGA
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Collecting reference and learning material #3

Open sordfish opened 4 years ago

sordfish commented 4 years ago

I'd like to get a list together of all the current documentation, guides and example code to learn the basics of FPGAs and how they compare to developing on something like an Arduino.

sordfish commented 4 years ago basic example of litex on colorLight 5A-75B

sordfish commented 4 years ago covers some fpga basics and an intro to building a soc.

I think it would be good to expand on the workshops above but to adapt them for ecp5 hardware.

sordfish commented 4 years ago is a big collection of links for ColorLight 5A-75B and 5A-75E hardware

sordfish commented 3 years ago

Gist contains working sdram code for 5A-75B

sordfish commented 3 years ago

picorv32 with gigabit ethernet. Litex ethernet has udp built in so it can do the full gigabit speed minus protocols

sordfish commented 3 years ago

How to use verilog code in litex

This could be helpful when writing the soc modules if migen isn't enough and nmigen or another language is a better fit?

sordfish commented 3 years ago

More litex examples

sordfish commented 3 years ago

Nmigen examples from icebreaker

sordfish commented 3 years ago

Esden from 1bitsquared (Icebreaker developer) runs some live streams on twitch and YouTube

He mentioned not using Litex to reduce complexity and also using nmigen soc to run riscv as litex is still migen based.

sordfish commented 3 years ago

I had a quick Google to see if there were any other similar projects about for inspiration or as a replacement for my efforts as I'm impatient and have too many cars waiting for cost effective GDI engine control 🤣

Nothing else was found but I did spot this article from 2012. It describes how FPGAs would compare to a multi-core microcontroller and on the whole it validates all my current thinking in terms of performance and steps to avoid peripheral interrupts for RTOS and instead data is shared to separate state machines or other independent autonomous hdl (adc, pwm, can, comms)