sorenkrabbe / Chrome-Salesforce-inspector

Chrome extension to add a metadata layout on top of the standard Salesforce UI to improve the productivity and joy of Salesforce configuration, development, and integration.
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Allow to select the value of Sforce-Auto-Assign header #229

Open canaan92 opened 1 year ago

canaan92 commented 1 year ago

Updating with sf inspector case records causes to run again the assignment rules, while if the tool would allow to configure the value of the Sforce-Auto-Assign header the users would have control about whether or not trigger them, avoiding potential ownership disruption

dufoli commented 1 month ago

Hello, This addon is no longer maintain. There are currently 2 forked project. currently salesforce inspector use soap api for data import . Sforce-Auto-Assign header is for REST API, luckily you have equivalent with AssignmentRuleHeader. This has been implemented in salesforce inspector Advanced. There is another fork named salesforce inspector reloaded (advanced is based on it). I can only talk for advanced because I am working on it. On Salesforce inspector advanced, you have sosl, new editor with better suggestion, syntax hightlight, picklist suggestion on insert, apex runner, platform event tool, profiling, flame chart... I let you check each addon and select the one you prefer.