sorenkrabbe / Chrome-Salesforce-inspector

Chrome extension to add a metadata layout on top of the standard Salesforce UI to improve the productivity and joy of Salesforce configuration, development, and integration.
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Feature Request: Auto Fill Object on Import #242

Open RebbePod opened 1 year ago

RebbePod commented 1 year ago

Big fan of the inspector in general.

I was thinking that based on the IDs pasted in from an import we should be able to detect which object is being imported and automatically fill it in.

dufoli commented 1 month ago

hello, this adon is not maintain anymore. This feature is available in both forked project salesforce inspector reloaded and salesforce inspector advanced. I handle the advanced one which support sosl, apex runner, log management, profiling, flame chart, better suggestion in soql, streaming api tool (platform event and so on)... You should try it. source:

cf for detail: