sorenkrabbe / Chrome-Salesforce-inspector

Chrome extension to add a metadata layout on top of the standard Salesforce UI to improve the productivity and joy of Salesforce configuration, development, and integration.
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(Up|in)sert Excel format with cell starting with `"` fails to parse data #248

Open gaelguimini opened 1 year ago

gaelguimini commented 1 year ago


When attempting to upsert (or insert) data from Excel format fails to parse it if some cells start with ".

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create an excel workbook and sheet containing

    lastname | email "pseudo" lastname |

  2. Copy sheet content from excel

  3. Paste into salesforce inspector with Excel format checked


The preview shows headers and the only line well parsed


The parsing fails with Error: unexpected token ' '

Cause analysis

Excel format seems to rely on csv-parser.js which checks for " at start of cell content as string identificator. In turn, the content until next " is considered for cell value (pseudo in my repro data), then cell separator is expected. It fails du to finding anything but cell separator ( in my repro data). This is NOT helpfull for Excel content

Possible workarround
