sorenlouv / backport

A simple CLI tool that automates the process of backporting commits on a GitHub repo
Apache License 2.0
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Workflow permission is required for pushing changes #458

Open achyutjhunjhunwala opened 1 year ago

achyutjhunjhunwala commented 1 year ago

When setting up the PAT, we also need workflow permission and not just repo permissions as mentioned in the docs

{"level":"info","message":"Results","metadata":{"0":{"error":{"context":{"cmdArgs":["push","achyutjhunjhunwala","backport/8.7/pr-153290:backport/8.7/pr-153290","--force"],"code":1,"stderr":"To\n ! [remote rejected]         backport/8.7/pr-153290 -> backport/8.7/pr-153290 (refusing to allow a Personal Access Token to create or update workflow `.github/workflows/add-to-imui-project.yml` without `workflow` scope)\nerror: failed to push some refs to ''\n","stdout":""},"name":"SpawnError"},"status":"unhandled-error","targetBranch":"8.7"}},"timestamp":"2023-03-20 15:32:07"}