Closed arnaudsj closed 10 years ago
Unfortunately, this is is still an outstanding to do. I'd love a pull request with some examples if you do get around to creating them.
I think the API is pretty straightforward and you should be able to figure it out looking at the examples from the spark documentation.
@sorenmacbeth thank you.
I have started converting the Twitter hash tag example, but I am stuck on how to actually starting the streaming context. Would you mind taking a look and telling me what I am missing?
(ns core-nlp-flambo-101.core
(:require [flambo.api :as f]
[flambo.streaming :as fs]
[flambo.conf :as fconf]
[clj-time.format :as tf]
[clj-time.core :as tc]
[ :refer [trace]]
[ :refer [sh]]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[org.satta.glob :refer [glob]])
(:import [org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter TwitterUtils])
(def master "local[*]")
(def conf {})
(def env {
"spark.executor.memory" "4G",
"spark.files.overwrite" "true"
(def ^:dynamic *app-consumer-key* "xxx")
(def ^:dynamic *app-consumer-secret* "xxx")
(def ^:dynamic *user-access-token* "xxx")
(def ^:dynamic *user-access-token-secret* "xxx")
(System/setProperty "twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", *app-consumer-key*)
(System/setProperty "twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret", *app-consumer-secret*)
(System/setProperty "twitter4j.oauth.accessToken", *user-access-token*)
(System/setProperty "twitter4j.oauth.accessTokenSecret", *user-access-token-secret*)
(defn new-spark-context []
(let [c (-> (fconf/spark-conf)
(fconf/master master)
(fconf/app-name "twitter-hashtags-example")
(fconf/set "spark.akka.timeout" "300")
(fconf/set conf)
(fconf/set-executor-env env))]
(fs/streaming-context c 2000) ))
(defonce sc (new-spark-context))
(defonce stream (TwitterUtils/createStream sc))
(fs/flat-map stream fs/print)
It is an incomplete translation of the example I found here: []
Thank you in advance! If you can tell me what I need to do to start the streaming context, then I think the rest of the translation of the rest should be pretty straight forward.
Nevermind, I had missed at the end:
(.start sc)
More later!
Hi @sorenmacbeth, would you mind taking a look at this. I got the stream of tweets and hashtags extracted, but I am running into an error when trying to reduce-by-key-and-window. Please see below:
(ns core-nlp-flambo-101.core
(:require [flambo.api :as f]
[flambo.streaming :as fs]
[flambo.conf :as fconf]
[clj-time.format :as tf]
[clj-time.core :as tc]
[ :refer [trace]]
[ :refer [sh]]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[org.satta.glob :refer [glob]])
(:import [org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter TwitterUtils]
[org.apache.log4j Level Logger])
(def master "local[*]")
(def conf {})
(def env {
"spark.executor.memory" "4G",
"spark.files.overwrite" "true"
;; We don't need to see everything ;
(.setLevel (Logger/getRootLogger) Level/WARN)
(def ^:dynamic *app-consumer-key* "xxxx")
(def ^:dynamic *app-consumer-secret* "xxxx")
(def ^:dynamic *user-access-token* "xxxx")
(def ^:dynamic *user-access-token-secret* "xxxx")
(System/setProperty "twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", *app-consumer-key*)
(System/setProperty "twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret", *app-consumer-secret*)
(System/setProperty "twitter4j.oauth.accessToken", *user-access-token*)
(System/setProperty "twitter4j.oauth.accessTokenSecret", *user-access-token-secret*)
(defn new-spark-context []
(let [c (-> (fconf/spark-conf)
(fconf/master master)
(fconf/app-name "core-nlp-flambo-101")
(fconf/set "spark.akka.timeout" "300")
(fconf/set conf)
(fconf/set-executor-env env))]
(fs/streaming-context c 2000) ))
(defonce sc (new-spark-context))
(fs/checkpoint sc "/tmp/")
(defonce tweet-stream (TwitterUtils/createStream sc))
;; ==================
;; Helper functions
;; ==================
(defn extract-hashtag [s]
(re-find (re-pattern "#\\w+\\b") s))
;; ==================
;; Stream processing
;; ==================
;; Scala equivalent
;; val hashTags = stream.flatMap(status => status.getText.split(" ").filter(_.startsWith("#")))
(defonce hashTags (fs/flat-map tweet-stream (fn[t] (filter #(< 0 (count %)) [(extract-hashtag (.getText t))]))))
;; Scala equivalent
;; val topCounts60 =, 1)).reduceByKeyAndWindow(_ + _, Seconds(60))
;; .map{case (topic, count) => (count, topic)}
;; .transform(_.sortByKey(false))
(defonce topCounts30 (fs/reduce-by-key-and-window hashTags (f/fn [[_ + _]]) 30000 30000))
;; =============
;; Stream output
;; =============
(fs/print topCounts30)
(.start sc)
(.awaitTermination sc)
It chokes on Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast flambo.function.PairFunction to
Any ideas?
Thank you for your time!
This is resolved. I am going to submit a pull request.
Hi, I am looking at an example project using Flambo, which demonstrates how to create both a streaming producer and consumer for demo purposes.
Ultimately I would like to write a Twitter stream producer, and a NLP consumer.
Any pointers?
Thank you in advance!