sorentwo / oban

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(surprising?) queue behaviour with multiple nodes #114

Closed Harper04 closed 4 years ago

Harper04 commented 4 years ago

Hello and thanks for this awesome library!

Some Background: Beside the seemingly intended use case of one/off tasks (mail sending / async media convert etc.) for oban we try to use oban for intervalled/crontab maintenance jobs like imports.

For this we dont care about how many jobs are scheduled but we require that only one Oban.Worker of a kind is executing at any point in time for all connected nodes.

We tried using the crontab feature but noticed that the scheduler doesnt care if a job is still running at the next scheduled time and starts the new one (this is common crontab behaviour so no bug for me).

We also tried using the uniqueness feature (available, scheduled) scheduling the next task as the first step for a job. That didnt work either for jobs running longer than the configured intervall.

Our workaround is an external scheduler using available,scheduled,executing uniqueness.

Okay now why am i filing a bug report? Because we also tried using queues setting concurrency to 1 and got really surprised!


Current Behavior

How to reproduce:

Expected Behavior

Enforce the concurrency limit across all nodes connected to the database.

Rereading the documentation i see no mention about obans behaviour in a distributed case (queues per node or globally). Because of all the praise, enterprise feature talk and use of database triggers etc. it was implied to me that i get the same guarantees for one or multiple nodes.

So please consider this either as a documention issue or feature request.


sorentwo commented 4 years ago

The concurrency limit is per-queue per-node, not global across all connected nodes. That would require coordination between each node in order to negotiate queue limits. To achieve global limits nodes would need to coordinate on start up, shut down, crashes, scaling, etc.

So please consider this either as a documention issue or feature request.

Considering the issues stated above I'm leaning heavily toward documentation about this. I'm curious what other people think about globally enforced queue limits. I've been asked about it a few times, but I haven't heard many use cases.

We should be able to address some of the issues that lead you to discover this though. If the crontab scheduler isn't working correctly that is definitely a bug. The scheduler uses uniqueness to schedule distinct jobs. Do you happen to have custom unique settings in the worker you are scheduling?

Harper04 commented 4 years ago

No, but the crontab scheduler only seems to use period. So if a job is still running the next one will happily scheduled and executed on the same or another node.

sorentwo commented 4 years ago

No, but the crontab scheduler only seems to use period.

Yes, scheduler call specifies a period and that is merged with the default fields and states. This is the inspected unique value from the, opts) call in scheduler.ex:

    unique: %{
      fields: [:args, :queue, :worker],
      period: 59,
      states: [:available, :scheduled, :executing, :retryable, :completed]

So far I haven't been able to recreate the situation with cron jobs that you are describing. Do you have any more details (the crontab itself, or part of the worker) that you can share? Even better would be an example or test case that reproduces the behavior.

Harper04 commented 4 years ago

No Problem!, i condensed the edge case to this:

[queues: [default: 10], prune: :disabled, crontab: [{"* * * * *", XXX.Task.Dummy}]]
defmodule Tide.Task.Dummy do
  use Oban.Worker, max_attempts: 1

  @impl Oban.Worker
  def perform(_,_) do
    IO.puts("i am a dummy start")
    IO.puts("i am a dummy end")

This gives me:

➜  xxx git:(master) ✗ iex -S mix

i am a dummy start
i am a dummy start
i am a dummy end
i am a dummy start
iex(4)> Oban.Job |> Repo.all() |> Enum.filter(fn s -> s.state != "completed" end) |>, [:state, :worker, :queue]))
  %{queue: "default", state: "executing", worker: "Tide.Task.Dummy"},
  %{queue: "default", state: "executing", worker: "Tide.Task.Dummy"}

If i am correct all features must match to consider a job unique. After 59 seconds the period does not match anymore. For my workaround i am using:

  @unique_opts [
    period: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 99,
    fields: [:queue, :worker],
    states: [:available, :scheduled, :executing]

The scheduler has his own queue; this way i still can enqueue tasks manually and keep the scheduler working. (This is more inefficient because i just try to schedule every cronjob every second

sorentwo commented 4 years ago

Now I understand the situation! Thanks for the detailed example. Overriding the unique period and states is exactly the workaround I would suggest (and is why the scheduler uses put_new for the :unique key).

The following setup does what you're aiming for:


defmodule Oban.Dummy do
  use Oban.Worker, max_attempts: 1

  @impl Oban.Worker
  def perform(_, _) do
    IO.puts("i am a dummy start")
    IO.puts("i am a dummy end")

unique_opts = [
  period: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 99,
  states: [:available, :scheduled, :executing]

  repo: Oban.Test.Repo,
  queues: [default: 10],
  crontab: [{"* * * * *", Oban.Dummy, args: %{scheduled: true}, unique: unique_opts}]

The output looks like this:

{:ok, #PID<0.268.0>}
i am a dummy start
i am a dummy end
i am a dummy start
i am a dummy end

There are a couple things in there to make it work:

  1. The unique opts are put in the directly in the crontab definition
  2. There are static args, which allows you to use the the worker from the crontab scheduler and from other locations

I'll update the caveats section of the docs to include this situation and the workaround.

Harper04 commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot!

taylordowns2000 commented 4 years ago

Hi @sorentwo , first—Oban looks fantastic! Thanks for all your incredible work. We're considering migrating from Exq to Oban and I'm tyring to do my homework first. Your interface around unique jobs is amazing! (You'll see why that matters below.) In case it's helpful, I thought I'd provide a use case (and a theoretical, but fairly clunky solution) for a globally enforced queue limit. You wrote:

Considering the issues stated above I'm leaning heavily toward documentation about this. I'm curious what other people think about globally enforced queue limits. I've been asked about it a few times, but I haven't heard many use cases.

Our use case: OpenFn provides task automation and data integration for non-profits. Basically, we listen for HTTP requests to particular URLs and then execute snippets of our client's javascript in isolated VMs. Those snippets of javascript most often do things like upserting patient records to a database, sending a payment via mobile money, or adding a contact to a CRM. On occaision, our clients have issues with their "destination systems" because of API limits or other resource constraints and they want to be able to dial down the concurrency with which we process their payloads. E.g., if we receive 1000 independent HTTP requests in a minute (and they can't be lumped together into a bulk operation) the client might want us to only make one request at a time to their destination DB. I know this is a bit arbitrary, but it's actually come up a lot for us. Not hard at all with a single node, but running lots of nodes on Kubernetes it's really tricky to control.

Unless there was some built-in global concurrency setting, I'd imagine that we'd solve this by:

  1. Checking to see how many nodes are alive at startup and how many queues are being handled by each. (We'd need to write active queue subscriptions to a table with a heartbeat and a node name.)
  2. "Taking" (1/new_number_of_nodes_including_me) of queues from each existing node. (So if 3 existing nodes were subscribed to 12 queues each, we'd "take" 3 nodes from each: unsubscribing node A from those queues [10,11,12], ubsubscribing node B from queues [22, 23, 24], etc., and subscribing to those 9 queues ourself [10,11,12,22,23,24,34,35,36], leaving 4 total nodes with 9 queues each.)
  3. Updating a heartbeat table every configurable_x seconds to let other nodes know that the queue still had a single living subscriber.

To acheive this the way we do with Exq, we'd need to be able to (at runtime) have a particular node "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to a particular queue. Is that possible? I thought that start_queue/3 might be the right idea, but that seems to add a queue to all nodes.

Is there something like Exq.subscribe/2 that might help us accomplish this global concurrency limitation? (Also note that we've got a single queue _per_user, they can be created dynamically, and users can dial up and down the concurrency on the fly.)

sorentwo commented 4 years ago

@taylordowns2000 Sorry to leave this hanging for so long, there has been a lot in flux lately. I understand your situation and this is an issue that comes up often.

I propose adding a local_only option to start_queue/3 so that apps can manually start a queue on a single node. It will require your application to coordinate nodes and handle starting the queue, but it makes it possible.

Global queue limits are in the longer roadmap, but require changes to how queues are defined and may be more of an optional "plugin".

taylordowns2000 commented 4 years ago

No worries on the delay—yes, this would work perfectly. Also very useful for manual debugging... sometimes we want to stop a queue across all nodes at once, and then start it up on a single node with limited concurrency.

taylordowns2000 commented 3 years ago

Hi @sorentwo , I've just got the green light to implement this but was planning on using the oban_beats table to do so. Am I right in understanding that it's now been removed?

Is there any way to see which nodes are subscribed to which queues?


sorentwo commented 3 years ago

@taylordowns2000 That's correct, mostly. Support for publishing oban_beats was moved into the Lifeline Plugin in Oban Pro. Global queue limits are still on the roadmap, but it will be a Pro feature as well.

taylordowns2000 commented 3 years ago

OK, understood. Thanks for the response.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 7:32 PM Parker Selbert wrote:

@taylordowns2000 That's correct, mostly. Support for publishing oban_beats was moved into the Lifeline Plugin in Oban Pro. Global queue limits are still on the roadmap, but it will be a Pro feature as well.

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