sorin-ionescu / prezto

The configuration framework for Zsh
MIT License
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Disable auto correct, and auto start new tmux session #622

Closed Brottweiler closed 10 years ago

Brottweiler commented 10 years ago

Hey, and thanks for maintaining Prezto. I switched to it recently from Oh-my-zsh, and it's way faster and better, even though it isn't as feature rich, the speed and "stability" makes up for it!

So, I have the Utility module and tmux activated. Now I want to ask two things about these:


sorin-ionescu commented 10 years ago

Utility does not enable autocorrect. That's a Zsh feature enabled elsewhere. You can prevent it with alias foo="nocorrect foo". There is also noglob. Open the module and see for yourself.

As for tmux, it behaves like that by design. There are some tmux issues open. Perhaps you can contribute to the discussion.

What features from Oh-My-Zsh are missing?

Brottweiler commented 10 years ago

With Utility enabled:

$ lss
zsh: correct lss to ss [nyae]?

With Utility disabled:

$ lss
zsh: command not found: lss

I know I can disable autocorrect for specific commands, but I want to disable it entirely.

About the features, that was just something I mentioned. It's not really an issue. I noticed however that Prezto does not have these things that Oh-my-zsh has:

sorin-ionescu commented 10 years ago

You are right, it is set in the utility module. You can unsetopt CORRECT in zshrc.

There is no pass module because no one has requested it. Most people will use their OS default password manager, Key Chain on Mac OS X.

Prezto does support See git-hub-shorten-url in the Git module.

Brottweiler commented 10 years ago

Thanks. :)