soroswap / frontend

Soroswap.Finance Frontend for Soroswap AMM, Soroswap Aggregator & Spacewalk Bridge Implementation
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Support max-hops as a customized paramenter & price impact #353

Closed esteblock closed 5 months ago

esteblock commented 5 months ago
chopan123 commented 5 months ago

How to compute price impact

The main code we can find it on v2-sdk

this.priceImpact = computePriceImpact(route.midPrice, this.inputAmount, this.outputAmount)

Where midprice is :

  public get midPrice(): Price<TInput, TOutput> {
    if (this._midPrice !== null) return this._midPrice
    const prices: Price<Currency, Currency>[] = []
    for (const [i, pair] of this.pairs.entries()) {
          ? new Price(pair.reserve0.currency, pair.reserve1.currency, pair.reserve0.quotient, pair.reserve1.quotient)
          : new Price(pair.reserve1.currency, pair.reserve0.currency, pair.reserve1.quotient, pair.reserve0.quotient)
    const reduced = prices.slice(1).reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator.multiply(currentValue), prices[0])
    return (this._midPrice = new Price(this.input, this.output, reduced.denominator, reduced.numerator))

The computePriceImpact function is defined on sdk-core as follows:

 * Returns the percent difference between the mid price and the execution price, i.e. price impact.
 * @param midPrice mid price before the trade
 * @param inputAmount the input amount of the trade
 * @param outputAmount the output amount of the trade
export function computePriceImpact<TBase extends Currency, TQuote extends Currency>(
  midPrice: Price<TBase, TQuote>,
  inputAmount: CurrencyAmount<TBase>,
  outputAmount: CurrencyAmount<TQuote>
): Percent {
  const quotedOutputAmount = midPrice.quote(inputAmount)
  // calculate price impact := (exactQuote - outputAmount) / exactQuote
  const priceImpact = quotedOutputAmount.subtract(outputAmount).divide(quotedOutputAmount)
  return new Percent(priceImpact.numerator, priceImpact.denominator)

Also they substract the fees

export function computeRealizedPriceImpact(trade: Trade<Currency, Currency, TradeType>): Percent {
  const realizedLpFeePercent = computeRealizedLPFeePercent(trade)
  return trade.priceImpact.subtract(realizedLpFeePercent)

where computeRealizedLPFeePercent is defined as follows:

// computes realized lp fee as a percent
function computeRealizedLPFeePercent(trade: Trade<Currency, Currency, TradeType>): Percent {
  let percent: Percent

  // Since routes are either all v2 or all v3 right now, calculate separately
  if (trade.swaps[0].route.pools instanceof Pair) {
    // for each hop in our trade, take away the x*y=k price impact from 0.3% fees
    // e.g. for 3 tokens/2 hops: 1 - ((1 - .03) * (1-.03))
    percent = ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT.subtract(
        (currentFee: Percent): Percent => currentFee.multiply(INPUT_FRACTION_AFTER_FEE),
  } else {
    percent = ZERO_PERCENT
    for (const swap of trade.swaps) {
      const { numerator, denominator } = swap.inputAmount.divide(trade.inputAmount)
      const overallPercent = new Percent(numerator, denominator)

      const routeRealizedLPFeePercent = overallPercent.multiply(
          swap.route.pools.reduce<Percent>((currentFee: Percent, pool): Percent => {
            const fee =
              pool instanceof Pair
                ? // not currently possible given protocol check above, but not fatal
                : pool.fee
            return currentFee.multiply(ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT.subtract(new Fraction(fee, 1_000_000)))

      percent = percent.add(routeRealizedLPFeePercent)

  return new Percent(percent.numerator, percent.denominator)
abstract829 commented 5 months ago

added fees here