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Generalize "notify on edit" to "notify on any change" #215

Closed wgrundlingh closed 6 years ago

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

Edit by @shu8: this was rejected in SOX but has now been implemented as a separate browser extension which can be found at Stack Apps.

Current Behaviour

I enjoy the suggested "notify on edit" option at the bottom of every question:


This adds posts to the "edit list":


Is it possible to make this more general to keep track of any changes? These would include edits, retags, reviews (like vote-to-close), community bumps, comments on and/or answers to? Others?

SOX Errors logged to the browser console -- F12 (if available)

Steps to reproduce

Features Enabled

shu8 commented 7 years ago

Can you click the following link:! SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo

? I have a feeling you've been throttled by the API again (script's fault; not yours)

What does that link show?

On 15 January 2017 at 17:35, wgrundlingh wrote:

I'm also not receiving any notifications. Here's my log:

soup injecting fixes VM447:30 soup init complete VM447:30 soup setup complete VM461:563SOX: undefined VM461:563SOX: Object {debug: Object, initialized: Object, helpers: Object, _gpstrack: Array[0], gps: Object…} VM463:407 running editAlert.js VM463:545 postsToWatch [Object] VM463:546 commentsToWatch [Object, Object] VM463:547 notifications [] VM463:652 about to start looping postsToWatch: [Object] VM463:654 looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object {type: "question", postId: "7168", sitename: "meta.tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484373787052, options: Array[4]…} VM463:675 Been more than 15 minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object {type: "question", postId: "7168", sitename: "meta.tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484373787052, options: Array[4]…} VM463:639 getting from API with URL: 2.2/questions/7168?site=meta.tex&filter=!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV 8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo VM463:8 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check send @ VM463:8 ajax @ VM463:8 fromAPI @ VM463:640 (anonymous) @ VM463:678 each @ VM463:6 window.sox @ VM463:653 tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM463:983 (anonymous) @ VM434:2 (anonymous) @ VM463:3 (anonymous) @ VM463:4 (anonymous) @ VM463:1014 (anonymous) @ VM434:2 E_c @ VM434:3 E @ VM444:56 create @ VM444:64 z @ VM444:13 VM463:693 newAnswerIds: [] VM463:694 lastCheckedAnswerIds [] VM463:639 getting from API with URL: 2.2/posts/7168/revisions?site=meta.tex&filter=!K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY VM463:755 data retrieved from API: Object {items: Array[6], has_more: false, quota_max: 300, quota_remaining: 87} VM463:470 adding notification with details: Object {} VM463:806 about to start looping commentsToWatch: [Object, Object] VM463:808 looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object {postId: "7168", sitename: "meta.tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484501100762, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[3]} VM463:808 looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object {postId: "348705", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484494869660, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[2]} VM463:824 Been more than 15 minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object {postId: "348705", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484494869660, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[2]} VM463:639 getting from API with URL: 2.2/posts/348705/comments?filter=!K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=tex VM447:30 soup JS fixes applied VM461:563 SOX: DEBUGGING SOX VERSION 2.0.14 VM461:563 SOX: ----------------saved variables--------------------- VM461:587 SOX: logging sox stored values --- VM461:587 SOX: access token set VM461:587 SOX: SOX-debug VM461:587 SOX: true VM461:587 SOX: SOXSETTINGS VM461:587 SOX: ["Appearance-addAuthorNameToInboxNotificati ons","Appearance-answerTagsSearch","Appearance-colorAnswerer","Appearance- fixedTopbar","Appearance-highlightQuestions","Appearance-isQuestionHot"," Appearance-markEmployees","Appearance-metaChatBlogStackExchangeButto n","Appearance-scrollToTop","Appearance-spoilerTip","Appearance- standOutDupeCloseMigrated","Appearance-tabularReviewerStats"," Appearance-topAnswers","Appearance-unspoil","Comments- autoShowCommentImages","Comments-commentReplies"," Comments-commentShortcuts","Comments-confirmNavigateAway", "Comments-copyCommentsLink","Comments-moveBounty"," Comments-showCommentScores","Comments-hiddenCommentsIndicator"," Editing-addSBSBtn","Editing-editComment","Editing- editReasonTooltip","Editing-enhancedEditor","Editing- kbdAndBullets","Editing-titleEditDiff","Editing-inlineEditorEverywhere"," Flags-flagOutcomeTime","Flags-flagPercentages","Flags- flagPercentageBar","Sidebar-hideHireMe","Sidebar-linkedToFrom","Chat- chatEasyAccess","Chat-renameChat","Voting-betterCSS" ,"Voting-grayOutVotes","Voting-stickyVoteButtons","Voting- disableOwnPostVoteButtons","Extras-linkedPostsInline"," Extras-parseCrossSiteLinks","Extras-quickAuthorInfo"," Extras-shareLinksMarkdown","Extras-showMetaReviewCount","Extras-copyCode"] VM461:587 SOX: downvotedPostsEditAlert VM461:587 SOX: {"347192":{"questionId":"347192","addedDate": 1483602847263,"sitename":"tex","lastCheckedTime": 1484368203293},"347197":{"questionId":"347192","addedDate":1483602833281," sitename":"tex","lastCheckedTime":1484368203396},"347487":{" questionId":"347484","addedDate":1483740886378,"sitename":"tex"," lastCheckedTime":1484368203507}} VM461:587 SOX: editReasons VM461:587 SOX: [["updated markdown","updated markdown"],["retag","retag"]] VM461:587 SOX: metaNewQuestionAlert-lastQuestions VM461:587 SOX: {"meta.tex":"How to including multimedia files in beamer [Work in progress, please ignor for the moment]"} VM461:563 SOX: ----------------end saved variables--------------------- VM461:563 SOX: initializing SOX dialog VM461:563 SOX: injecting features into dialog VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications", desc: "Add the author's name to notifications in the inbox", extended_description: "If you receive a comment/answer/suggested edit not…or of the comment/answer/edit to the notification", meta: "", match: ""…} VM461:563 SOX: running addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications VM461:563 SOX: observe: .inbox-dialog VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "answerTagsSearch", desc: "Show tags for the question an answer belongs to on search pages (for better context)", extended_description: "By default, any search results thar are answers do…e adds the question's tags underneath the result.", meta: " tags-in-answers-entries-on-search-results", match: "://.com/search"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "colorAnswerer", desc: "Color answerer's comments", extended_description: "Highlight the username of a commenter if they have posted an answer on that page.", meta: "…from- answer-author-in-addition-to-question-author", match: ":///questions"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "fixedTopbar", desc: "Fix topbar position", extended_description: "Locks the topbar to the top of the window so you c…e to the different default styling of the topbar.", meta: " the-top-navigation-be-frozen-optional", match: ""…} VM461:563 SOX: running fixedTopbar VM461:563 SOX: observe: #notify-container,#notify--1 VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "highlightQuestions", desc: "Change highlighting for questions with favourite tags", extended_description: "Changes the favourite tag question highlighting to be a more subtle, coloured left-border", meta: "http://meta.stackexchange. com/questions/238591/sho…ite-tag-highlighting-in-question-lists-be-changed", match: ""…} VM461:563 SOX: running highlightQuestions VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "isQuestionHot", desc: "Add a label on questions which are hot-network questions", extended_description: "If the question you are currently viewing is HOT, a flame icon is added next to the title", meta: "http://meta.stackexchange. com/questions/245390/let-mods-and-10k-know-when-questions-go-hot", match: ""…} VM461:563 SOX: running isQuestionHot VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "markEmployees", desc: "Add the SO logo after employee names to make them stand out", meta: "http://meta.stackexchange. com/questions/246678/sho…staff-have-a-special-character-in-their-user-name", match: "", exclude: "://chat.*.com/

,SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: running markEmployees VM461:563 SOX: SOX Access Token: SET VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "metaChatBlogStackExchangeButton", desc: "Show meta and chat buttons on hover of a site under the StackExchange button", meta: "…-and-blog-in-the-top-bar-for-other-sites-on-hover", match: "", exclude: ""} VM461:563 SOX: running metaChatBlogStackExchangeButton VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "scrollToTop", desc: "Add Scroll To Top button", extended_description: "This feature adds a 'scroll to top' button at the …hat will jump to the top of the page when clicked", meta: "", match: ""…} VM461:563 SOX: running scrollToTop VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "spoilerTip", desc: "Differentiate spoilers from empty blockquotes", meta: "", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "standOutDupeCloseMigrated", desc: "Add highlighted tags to closed/on hold/duplicate/migrated questions on question lists", extended_description: "Adds a coloured box at the end of a title (that re… more easily tell what the state of a question is", meta: "…ate- closed-and-migrated-in-the-title-more-obvious", match: ""…} VM461:563 SOX: running standOutDupeCloseMigrated VM461:563 SOX: observe: #user-tab-questions, #question-mini-list VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "tabularReviewerStats", desc: "Display reviewer stats on /review/suggested-edits in table form", meta: "", match: ":// .com/review/suggested-edits/ ", exclude: ""} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "topAnswers", desc: "Improve answer visibility by listing top answers", meta: "", match: ":// /questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "unspoil", desc: "Add a link to the bottom of a post to reveal all spoilers in a post", meta: "…ay- to-reveal-all-spoiler-blocks-in-a-post-at-once", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "autoShowCommentImages", desc: "View linked images (to imgur) in comments inline", extended_description: "This feature will automatically detect comments with links to imgur and will display them inline", meta: "", match: ":///questions"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "commentReplies", desc: "Add reply links to comments for quick replying (without having to type someone's username)", meta: "…ment- that-pre-populates-comment-box-with-username", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "commentShortcuts", desc: "Use Ctrl+I,B,K (to italicise, bolden and add code backticks) in comments", meta: " formatting-keyboard-shortcuts-for-comments", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "confirmNavigateAway", desc: "Add a confirmation dialog when navigating away on pages whilst still typing a comment", meta: "…- navigate-away-from-this-page-when-writing-a-comm", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "copyCommentsLink", desc: "Copy 'show x more comments' link to the top", meta: "http://meta.stackexchange. com/questions/55020/add-…-comments-button-to-the-top-of-a-list-of-comments", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "moveBounty", desc: "Move the 'start a bounty' link to before the comments", meta: "http://meta.stackexchange. com/questions/234095/can…-move-start-a-bounty-to-a-more-intuitive-location", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "showCommentScores", desc: "Show your comment and comment replies scores in your profile tabs", extended_description: "Adds a button next to comments in your profile's r… when clicked, show you the score of your comment", meta: "http://meta.stackexchange. com/questions/38285/disp…umber-of-comment-upvotes-in-recent-activity-pages", match: ":///users/ "…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "hiddenCommentsIndicator", desc: "Add a darker border underneath comments if there are some hidden after it", meta: "", match: ":// /questions,:///review", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "addSBSBtn", desc: "Add a button to the editor toolbar to start side-by-side editing", extended_description: "An 'SBS' button is added to the right of the markd… the markdown and the preview appear side-by-side", meta: "http://meta.stackexchange. com/questions/253112/the…iscourse-layout-for-side-by-side-markdown-preview", match: ""…} VM461:563 SOX: running addSBSBtn VM461:563 SOX: observe: VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "editComment", desc: "Pre-defined edit comment options (checkboxes)", extended_description: "Adds checkboxes to add canned messages for edit re… is added to the Help dropdown menu in the topbar", meta: "…ing- flow-with-predefined-options-for-edit-summary", match: ""…} VM461:563 SOX: running editComment VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "editReasonTooltip", desc: "Add a tooltip to posts showing the last revision's…on the word 'edited' in 'edited [date] at [time]'", extended_description: "When a post is edited, the editor is displayed und…d' underneath a post in 'edited [date] at [time]'", meta: " clicking-through-to-diff", match: ":///questions,:///review"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "enhancedEditor", desc: "Add more features to the markdown editor", extended_description: "Adds find/replace, changes the TAB key behaviour, …kGo integration, and basic auto-correct features.", meta: "", match: ":///questions,:///review"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "kbdAndBullets", desc: "Add KBD and list buttons to editor toolbar", extended_description: "Adds a kbd and bullet icon to the markdown editor … with KBD tags or listify's the current selection", meta: " equivalent-for-kbd-kbd", match: ":///questions,:///review"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "titleEditDiff", desc: "Make title edits show separately rather than merged in edit suggestions", meta: " separately-in-edit-diffs", match: "://.com/review/suggested-edits", exclude: ""} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "inlineEditorEverywhere", desc: "Inline editor regardless of reputation", extended_description: "Enables the inline editor on all sites, even if yo… yet. Note: this feature may not work on Firefox.", meta: "", match: ":///questions"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "flagOutcomeTime", desc: "Show the flag outcome time when viewing your Flag History", meta: "", match: "", exclude: "://

,SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: running flagOutcomeTime VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "flagPercentages", desc: "Show flagging percentages for each type in the Flag Summary", meta: "", match: "", exclude: "://,SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: running flagPercentages VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "flagPercentageBar", desc: "Show the total percentage of helpful flags as a coloured bar on the Flag Summary Page", meta: " percentage-of-helpful-flags", match: "", exclude: "://

,SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: running flagPercentageBar VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "hideHireMe", desc: "Hide the Looking for a Job module", meta: "", match: "", exclude: "://"} VM461:563 SOX: running hideHireMe VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "linkedToFrom", desc: "Add an arrow to linked posts in the sidebar to show whether they are linked to or linked from", meta: "", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "chatEasyAccess", desc: "Add buttons to user profiles to change user write access directly from a chat room", meta: "", match: ":// ", exclude: ""} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "renameChat", desc: "Prepend 'Chat - ' to chat tabs' titles", meta: "…-on-chat-pages-to-chat-sitename-or-chat-room-name", match: "://", exclude: ""} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "betterCSS", desc: "Add extra CSS for animation actions on voting and favourite buttons", extended_description: "Pulse effect when hovering over the upvote/downvot…urrently only implemented natively on Android.SE.", meta: "http://meta.stackexchange. com/questions/252685/i-w…oting-animations-like-on-android-se-pretty-please", match: ":///questions"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "grayOutVotes", desc: "Gray out deleted vote buttons", meta: "", match: " :///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "stickyVoteButtons", desc: "Make vote buttons next to posts sticky whilst scrolling on that post", meta: "", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "disableOwnPostVoteButtons", desc: "Disable vote buttons on your own posts", meta: "", match: ":///questions", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "linkedPostsInline", desc: "Display linked posts inline by clicking on an arrow", extended_description: "Adds a button next to links to posts on the same site that expand to show the post inline", meta: "", match: ":///questions"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "parseCrossSiteLinks", desc: "Parse titles to links cross-SE-sites", extended_description: "Detects links to other questions on SE sites and converts them to their title", meta: " question-links-from-other-se-sites", match: ":///questions"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "quickAuthorInfo", desc: "Show when the post's author was last seen and whether they are registered", meta: "", match: ":///questions,:///review", exclude: "SE1.0"} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "shareLinksMarkdown", desc: "Change 'share' link to format of post-name http://url", extended_description: "When you click 'share' under a post, this will con…lly copies the converted string to your clipboard", meta: "http://meta.stackexchange. com/questions/126544/add…nd-share-button-to-posts-with-comment-ready-links", match: ":///questions"…} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "showMetaReviewCount", desc: "Add how many reviews are available on Meta to the main site review page", meta: "", match: ":///review", exclude: ":// "} VM461:563 SOX: Object {name: "copyCode", desc: "Add a button to code in posts to let you copy it", meta: "", match: ":///questions", exclude: ""} VM461:563 SOX: observe: .new_comment VM461:563 SOX: observe: li[id^="wmd-redo-button"], textarea[id^="wmd-input"]

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

@shu8 Here's the response:

{"items":[{"tags":["bug","markdown"],"comments":[{"owner":{"reputation":58602,"user_id":579,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"barbara beeton","link":""},"score":1,"creation_date":1484228235,"post_id":7168,"comment_id":20975,"body":"the &quot;how to align&quot; example has been corrected, but if someone notices it degrading again, i&#39;d really like to hear about it."},{"owner":{"reputation":535612,"user_id":4427,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"egreg","link":""},"reply_to_user":{"reputation":58602,"user_id":579,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"barbara beeton","link":""},"score":0,"creation_date":1484326934,"post_id":7168,"comment_id":20979,"body":"Please, add examples when you find them"},{"owner":{"reputation":2045,"user_id":106162,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"Dai Bowen","link":""},"score":0,"creation_date":1484500244,"post_id":7168,"comment_id":20988,"body":"All answers (but not the question itself) to <a href=\"\"></a> seem to have been hit."}],"owner":{"reputation":535612,"user_id":4427,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"egreg","link":""},"last_editor":{"reputation":535612,"user_id":4427,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"egreg","link":""},"comment_count":3,"delete_vote_count":0,"is_answered":false,"answer_count":0,"score":12,"last_activity_date":1484500546,"creation_date":1484173850,"last_edit_date":1484500546,"question_id":7168,"link":"","title":"Double backslashes disappear from code"}],"has_more":false,"quota_max":300,"quota_remaining":32}
shu8 commented 7 years ago

Hmmm it looks like the request is working.... It seems like there were two posts that it had been 15 minutes since last checked for: one for comments and the other for edits. Are you sure there were new edits/new comments on those posts?

On 15 Jan 2017 6:14 pm, "wgrundlingh" wrote:

@shu8 Here's the response:

{"items":[{"tags":["bug","markdown"],"comments":[{" owner":{"reputation":58602,"user_id":579,"user_type":" registered","profile_image":" ","display_name":"barbara beeton","link":"http://meta."},"score": 1,"creation_date":1484228235,"post_id":7168,"comment_id":20975,"body":"the "how to align" example has been corrected, but if someone notices it degrading again, i'd really like to hear about it."},{"owner":{"reputation": 535612,"user_id":4427,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":""," display_name":"egreg","link":"http://meta.tex.stackexchange. com/users/4427/egreg"},"reply_to_user":{"reputation":58602," user_id":579,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"h ttps://","display_name":"barbara beeton","link":" "},"score":0,"creation_date":1484326934,"post_id":7168,"comment_id":20979,"body":"Please, add examples when you find them"},{"owner":{"reputation": 2045,"user_id":106162,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":" e4?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG&f=1","display_name":"Dai Bowen","link":""},"score":0," creation_date":1484500244,"post_id":7168,"comment_id":20988,"body":"All answers (but not the question itself) to seem to have been hit."}],"owner":{"reputation":535612,"userid":4427,"user type":"registered","profile_image":"https://i.stack.imgur. com/wJWMb.png?s=128&g=1","displayname":"egreg","link":""},"last editor":{"reputation":535612,"user_id":4427,"user_type":" registered","profile_image":" ","display_name":"egreg","link":" users/4427/egreg"},"comment_count":3,"delete_vote_count": 0,"is_answered":false,"answercount":0,"score":12,"last activity_date":1484500546,"creation_date":1484173850," last_edit_date":1484500546,"question_id":7168,"link":"http :// backslashes-disappear-from-code","title":"Double backslashes disappear from code"}],"has_more":false,"quota_max":300,"quota_remaining":32}

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

@shu8 I'm pretty sure, since I marked them yesterday and went to bed. This morning in Double backslashes disappear from code there was this:


But my drop-down is empty:


shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh ok, there was definitely some activity there then...

Could you install this newer version (no need to delete first) and see if it pops up this time? :)

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

@shu8 That's the link to the SOX script. Are you instead referring to this one?

shu8 commented 7 years ago

sorry, I keep on doing that. Yes, I mean that one instead!

On 15 January 2017 at 21:05, wgrundlingh wrote:

@shu8 That's the link to the SOX script. Are you instead referring to this one

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

When I load the new script, will it keep the old items I've checked to watch? Should I just wait 15 minutes, or is a browser refresh sufficient to identify changes?

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 I wasn't sure if the latest version was expected to fix the issue I'm seeing with the script not sending any notifications, but FYI, generating console output still disables it (still shown as enabled in the Add-ons Manager, but no buttons or icons after generating output).

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh the old items will stay and you'll need to wait 15 minutes unfortunately

@fixer1234 could you post your console output in the newer version please? it might help me see why it's not working

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 I rebooted and re-enabled the script, but there are no signs of the buttons or icons. It's like generating the console output damaged it. I'll reinstall it and try again.

Fresh install and still no buttons or icons. I'll try remove and reinstall.

Nope, still no buttons or icons, But here's fresh console output.

The connection to wss:// was interrupted while the page was loading. full.en.js:1:6864
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 53ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 16ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 12ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 21ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 24ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 21ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 21ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 29ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 21ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 47ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 16ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 44ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 15ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 11ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 11ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 18ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 14ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 112ms]
GET;r=1698089406;a=p-c1rF4kxgLUzNc;fpan=0;fpa=P0-2087723673-1465952398859;ns=0;ce=1;cm=;je=1;sr=2048x1152x24;enc=n;dst=1;et=1484517093732;tzo=300;;;'ve%20created%20a%20macro%20for%20a%20code%20block%20(alters%20selected%20paragraph%20style)%3A%0AI%20also%20%2Curl.http%3A%2F%2Fsuperuser%252Ecom%2Fquestions%2F1167685%2Flibre-office-writer-character-border-macr [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 72ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 11ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 21ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 18ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 29ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 211ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 62ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 16ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 11ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 60ms]
... [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 102ms]
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create panel.js:5816:3
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help panel.js:3525:3
not well-formed messages.json:1:1
wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

@shu8 Here are the relevant parts for editAlert.js from my log (no new updates):

VM1251:545 postsToWatch Array[1]
VM1251:546 commentsToWatch Array[2]
VM1251:547 notifications Array[0]
VM1251:652 about to start looping postsToWatch: Array[1]
VM1251:654 looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object
VM1251:675 Been more than 15 minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object
VM1251:639 getting from API with URL:!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo
VM1251:8 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check
send @ VM1251:8
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM1251:8
VM1251:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM1251:8
VM1251:813 about to start looping commentsToWatch: Array[2]
VM1251:815 looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object
VM1251:831 Been more than 15 minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object
VM1251:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=meta.tex
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM1251:8
VM1251:815 looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object
VM1251:831 Been more than 15 minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object
VM1251:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=tex
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request))```
shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh it seems like the API was throttling you. Because that was a few days ago, it should be working now -- can you post the console output again please? If it still isn't working, could you click on any of the Bad Request's and post what the link takes you to as well?

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

@shu8 Indeed, it is a "throttle violation." I haven't been getting any updates recently. Here is the entire console output:

soup injecting fixes
VM2447:30 soup init complete
VM2447:30 soup setup complete
VM2460:563SOX:  undefined
VM2460:563SOX:  Object {debug: Object, initialized: Object, helpers: Object, _gps_track: Array[0], gps: Object…}
VM2462:407 running editAlert.js
VM2462:545 postsToWatch [Object, Object, Object]
VM2462:546 commentsToWatch [Object, Object, Object, Object]
VM2462:547 notifications []
VM2462:652 about to start looping postsToWatch: [Object, Object, Object]
VM2462:654 looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object {type: "question", postId: "7168", sitename: "meta.tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484373787052, options: Array[4]…}
VM2462:675 Been more than 15 minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object {type: "question", postId: "7168", sitename: "meta.tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484373787052, options: Array[4]…}
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo
VM2462:8 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:678
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:653
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:8 GET!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:678
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:653
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY
VM2462:8 GET!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:762
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:653
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:654 looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object {type: "question", postId: "348887", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484550132481, options: Array[4]…}
VM2462:675 Been more than 15 minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object {type: "question", postId: "348887", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484550132481, options: Array[4]…}
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo
VM2462:8 GET!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:678
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:653
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY
VM2462:8 GET!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:762
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:653
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:654 looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object {type: "question", postId: "349046", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484669399567, options: Array[4]…}
VM2462:675 Been more than 15 minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object {type: "question", postId: "349046", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484669399567, options: Array[4]…}
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo
VM2462:8 GET!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:678
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:653
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY
VM2462:8 GET!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:762
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:653
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:813 about to start looping commentsToWatch: [Object, Object, Object, Object]
VM2462:815 looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object {postId: "7168", sitename: "meta.tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484669399724, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[6]}
VM2462:831 Been more than 15 minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object {postId: "7168", sitename: "meta.tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484669399724, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[6]}
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=meta.tex
VM2462:8 GET!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=meta.tex 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:832
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:814
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:815 looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object {postId: "348705", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484587050638, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[4]}
VM2462:831 Been more than 15 minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object {postId: "348705", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484587050638, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[4]}
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=tex
VM2462:8 GET!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=tex 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:832
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:814
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:815 looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object {postId: "348887", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484669400087, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[7]}
VM2462:831 Been more than 15 minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object {postId: "348887", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484669400087, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[7]}
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=tex
VM2462:8 GET!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=tex 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:832
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:814
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2462:815 looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object {postId: "349046", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484669400239, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[3]}
VM2462:831 Been more than 15 minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object {postId: "349046", sitename: "tex", lastCheckedTime: 1484669400239, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[3]}
VM2462:639 getting from API with URL:!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=tex
VM2462:8 GET!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=tex 400 (Bad Request)
send @ VM2462:8
ajax @ VM2462:8
fromAPI @ VM2462:640
(anonymous) @ VM2462:832
each @ VM2462:6
window.sox @ VM2462:814
tms_4d734301_0b64_447e_9700_95b242a514ae @ VM2462:990
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
(anonymous) @ VM2462:3
(anonymous) @ VM2462:4
(anonymous) @ VM2462:1021
(anonymous) @ VM2434:2
E_c @ VM2434:3
E @ VM2444:56
create @ VM2444:64
z @ VM2444:13
VM2447:30 soup JS fixes applied
VM2460:563 SOX:  ----------------saved variables---------------------
VM2460:587 SOX:  logging sox stored values --- 
VM2460:587 SOX:  access token set
VM2460:587 SOX:  SOX-debug
VM2460:587 SOX:  true
VM2460:587 SOX:  ["Appearance-addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications","Appearance-answerTagsSearch","Appearance-colorAnswerer","Appearance-fixedTopbar","Appearance-highlightQuestions","Appearance-isQuestionHot","Appearance-markEmployees","Appearance-metaChatBlogStackExchangeButton","Appearance-scrollToTop","Appearance-spoilerTip","Appearance-standOutDupeCloseMigrated","Appearance-tabularReviewerStats","Appearance-topAnswers","Appearance-unspoil","Comments-autoShowCommentImages","Comments-commentReplies","Comments-commentShortcuts","Comments-confirmNavigateAway","Comments-copyCommentsLink","Comments-moveBounty","Comments-showCommentScores","Comments-hiddenCommentsIndicator","Editing-addSBSBtn","Editing-editComment","Editing-editReasonTooltip","Editing-enhancedEditor","Editing-kbdAndBullets","Editing-titleEditDiff","Editing-inlineEditorEverywhere","Flags-flagOutcomeTime","Flags-flagPercentages","Flags-flagPercentageBar","Sidebar-hideHireMe","Sidebar-linkedToFrom","Chat-chatEasyAccess","Chat-renameChat","Voting-betterCSS","Voting-grayOutVotes","Voting-stickyVoteButtons","Voting-disableOwnPostVoteButtons","Extras-linkedPostsInline","Extras-parseCrossSiteLinks","Extras-quickAuthorInfo","Extras-shareLinksMarkdown","Extras-showMetaReviewCount","Extras-copyCode"]
VM2460:587 SOX:  downvotedPostsEditAlert
VM2460:587 SOX:  {"347192":{"questionId":"347192","addedDate":1483602847263,"sitename":"tex","lastCheckedTime":1484368203293},"347197":{"questionId":"347192","addedDate":1483602833281,"sitename":"tex","lastCheckedTime":1484368203396},"347487":{"questionId":"347484","addedDate":1483740886378,"sitename":"tex","lastCheckedTime":1484368203507}}
VM2460:587 SOX:  editReasons
VM2460:587 SOX:  [["updated markdown","updated markdown"],["retag","retag"]]
VM2460:587 SOX:  metaNewQuestionAlert-lastQuestions
VM2460:587 SOX:  {"meta.tex":"How to including multimedia files in beamer [Work in progress, please ignor for the moment]"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  ----------------end saved variables---------------------
VM2460:563 SOX:  initializing SOX dialog
VM2460:563 SOX:  injecting features into dialog
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications", desc: "Add the author's name to notifications in the inbox", extended_description: "If you receive a comment/answer/suggested edit not…or of the comment/answer/edit to the notification", meta: "", match: ""…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications
VM2460:563 SOX:  observe: .inbox-dialog
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "answerTagsSearch", desc: "Show tags for the question an answer belongs to on search pages (for better context)", extended_description: "By default, any search results thar are answers do…e adds the question's tags underneath the result.", meta: "", match: "*://*.com/search*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "colorAnswerer", desc: "Color answerer's comments", extended_description: "Highlight the username of a commenter if they have posted an answer on that page.", meta: "…from-answer-author-in-addition-to-question-author", match: "*://*/questions*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "fixedTopbar", desc: "Fix topbar position", extended_description: "Locks the topbar to the top of the window so you c…e to the different default styling of the topbar.", meta: "", match: ""…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running fixedTopbar
VM2460:563 SOX:  observe: #notify-container,#notify--1
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "highlightQuestions", desc: "Change highlighting for questions with favourite tags", extended_description: "Changes the favourite tag question highlighting to be a more subtle, coloured left-border", meta: "…ite-tag-highlighting-in-question-lists-be-changed", match: ""…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running highlightQuestions
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "isQuestionHot", desc: "Add a label on questions which are hot-network questions", extended_description: "If the question you are currently viewing is HOT, a flame icon is added next to the title", meta: "", match: ""…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running isQuestionHot
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "markEmployees", desc: "Add the SO logo after employee names to make them stand out", meta: "…staff-have-a-special-character-in-their-user-name", match: "", exclude: "*://chat.*.com/*,SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running markEmployees
VM2460:563 SOX:  SOX Access Token: SET
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "metaChatBlogStackExchangeButton", desc: "Show meta and chat buttons on hover of a site under the StackExchange button", meta: "…-and-blog-in-the-top-bar-for-other-sites-on-hover", match: "", exclude: ""}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running metaChatBlogStackExchangeButton
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "scrollToTop", desc: "Add Scroll To Top button", extended_description: "This feature adds a 'scroll to top' button at the …hat will jump to the top of the page when clicked", meta: "", match: ""…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running scrollToTop
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "spoilerTip", desc: "Differentiate spoilers from empty blockquotes", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "standOutDupeCloseMigrated", desc: "Add highlighted tags to closed/on hold/duplicate/migrated questions on question lists", extended_description: "Adds a coloured box at the end of a title (that re… more easily tell what the state of a question is", meta: "…ate-closed-and-migrated-in-the-title-more-obvious", match: ""…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running standOutDupeCloseMigrated
VM2460:563 SOX:  observe: #user-tab-questions, #question-mini-list
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "tabularReviewerStats", desc: "Display reviewer stats on /review/suggested-edits in table form", meta: "", match: "*://*.com/review/suggested-edits/*", exclude: ""}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "topAnswers", desc: "Improve answer visibility by listing top answers", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "unspoil", desc: "Add a link to the bottom of a post to reveal all spoilers in a post", meta: "…ay-to-reveal-all-spoiler-blocks-in-a-post-at-once", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "autoShowCommentImages", desc: "View linked images (to imgur) in comments inline", extended_description: "This feature will automatically detect comments with links to imgur and will display them inline", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "commentReplies", desc: "Add reply links to comments for quick replying (without having to type someone's username)", meta: "…ment-that-pre-populates-comment-box-with-username", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "commentShortcuts", desc: "Use Ctrl+I,B,K (to italicise, bolden and add code backticks) in comments", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "confirmNavigateAway", desc: "Add a confirmation dialog when navigating away on pages whilst still typing a comment", meta: "…-navigate-away-from-this-page-when-writing-a-comm", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "copyCommentsLink", desc: "Copy 'show x more comments' link to the top", meta: "…-comments-button-to-the-top-of-a-list-of-comments", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "moveBounty", desc: "Move the 'start a bounty' link to before the comments", meta: "…-move-start-a-bounty-to-a-more-intuitive-location", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "showCommentScores", desc: "Show your comment and comment replies scores in your profile tabs", extended_description: "Adds a button next to comments in your profile's r… when clicked, show you the score of your comment", meta: "…umber-of-comment-upvotes-in-recent-activity-pages", match: "*://*/users/*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "hiddenCommentsIndicator", desc: "Add a darker border underneath comments if there are some hidden after it", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*,*://*/review*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "addSBSBtn", desc: "Add a button to the editor toolbar to start side-by-side editing", extended_description: "An 'SBS' button is added to the right of the markd… the markdown and the preview appear side-by-side", meta: "…iscourse-layout-for-side-by-side-markdown-preview", match: ""…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running addSBSBtn
VM2460:563 SOX:  observe:
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "editComment", desc: "Pre-defined edit comment options (checkboxes)", extended_description: "Adds checkboxes to add canned messages for edit re… is added to the Help dropdown menu in the topbar", meta: "…ing-flow-with-predefined-options-for-edit-summary", match: ""…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running editComment
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "editReasonTooltip", desc: "Add a tooltip to posts showing the last revision's…on the word 'edited' in 'edited [date] at [time]'", extended_description: "When a post is edited, the editor is displayed und…d' underneath a post in 'edited [date] at [time]'", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*,*://*/review*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "enhancedEditor", desc: "Add more features to the markdown editor", extended_description: "Adds find/replace, changes the TAB key behaviour, …kGo integration, and basic auto-correct features.", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*,*://*/review*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "kbdAndBullets", desc: "Add KBD and list buttons to editor toolbar", extended_description: "Adds a kbd and bullet icon to the markdown editor … with KBD tags or listify's the current selection", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*,*://*/review*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "titleEditDiff", desc: "Make title edits show separately rather than merged in edit suggestions", meta: "", match: "*://*.com/review/suggested-edits*", exclude: ""}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "inlineEditorEverywhere", desc: "Inline editor regardless of reputation", extended_description: "Enables the inline editor on all sites, even if yo… yet. Note: this feature may not work on Firefox.", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "flagOutcomeTime", desc: "Show the flag outcome time when viewing your Flag History", meta: "", match: "", exclude: "*://chat.*.com/*,SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running flagOutcomeTime
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "flagPercentages", desc: "Show flagging percentages for each type in the Flag Summary", meta: "", match: "", exclude: "*://chat.*.com/*,SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running flagPercentages
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "flagPercentageBar", desc: "Show the total percentage of helpful flags as a coloured bar on the Flag Summary Page", meta: "", match: "", exclude: "*://chat.*.com/*,SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running flagPercentageBar
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "hideHireMe", desc: "Hide the Looking for a Job module", meta: "", match: "", exclude: "*://chat.*.com/*"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  running hideHireMe
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "linkedToFrom", desc: "Add an arrow to linked posts in the sidebar to show whether they are linked to or linked from", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "chatEasyAccess", desc: "Add buttons to user profiles to change user write access directly from a chat room", meta: "", match: "*://chat.*.com/*", exclude: ""}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "renameChat", desc: "Prepend 'Chat - ' to chat tabs' titles", meta: "…-on-chat-pages-to-chat-sitename-or-chat-room-name", match: "*://chat.*.com/*", exclude: ""}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "betterCSS", desc: "Add extra CSS for animation actions on voting and favourite buttons", extended_description: "Pulse effect when hovering over the upvote/downvot…urrently only implemented natively on Android.SE.", meta: "…oting-animations-like-on-android-se-pretty-please", match: "*://*/questions*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "grayOutVotes", desc: "Gray out deleted vote buttons", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "stickyVoteButtons", desc: "Make vote buttons next to posts sticky whilst scrolling on that post", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "disableOwnPostVoteButtons", desc: "Disable vote buttons on your own posts", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "linkedPostsInline", desc: "Display linked posts inline by clicking on an arrow", extended_description: "Adds a button next to links to posts on the same site that expand to show the post inline", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "parseCrossSiteLinks", desc: "Parse titles to links cross-SE-sites", extended_description: "Detects links to other questions on SE sites and converts them to their title", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "quickAuthorInfo", desc: "Show when the post's author was last seen and whether they are registered", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*,*://*/review*", exclude: "SE1.0"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "shareLinksMarkdown", desc: "Change 'share' link to format of [post-name](url)", extended_description: "When you click 'share' under a post, this will con…lly copies the converted string to your clipboard", meta: "…nd-share-button-to-posts-with-comment-ready-links", match: "*://*/questions*"…}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "showMetaReviewCount", desc: "Add how many reviews are available on Meta to the main site review page", meta: "", match: "*://*/review", exclude: "*://meta.*.com/*"}
VM2460:563 SOX:  Object {name: "copyCode", desc: "Add a button to code in posts to let you copy it", meta: "", match: "*://*/questions*", exclude: ""}
VM2460:563 SOX:  observe: .new_comment
VM2460:563 SOX:  observe: li[id^="wmd-redo-button"], textarea[id^="wmd-input"]
VM2460:563 SOX:  fire: target: 
VM2460:563 SOX:  <div id=​"question-mini-list">​…​</div>​

And here is the API feedback for one of the Bad RequestsGWE1gDcf3YaWY):

{"error_id":502,"error_message":"too many requests from this IP, more requests available in 27557 seconds","error_name":"throttle_violation"}
shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh ok.. so that's about 7 hours :( Could you disable this script overnight and then try enabling it again the next morning and see if it works then?

It's not your fault at all, I never took it into account, and now I'm just thinking about how to go about solving this problem... :/ I should have a solution soon :)

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

@shu8 That's what I've done. I was thinking that, even though I'm throttled, I guess using the site and re-requesting content from the API probably doesn't help. In fact, it may just prolong the throttle... maybe?

One solution might be to only retrieve updates when the user clicks on the "edit" icon in the toolbar, assuming that may be done less frequently. Also, it seems like the script still does an API request, even though it's been throttled. Perhaps a throttled request should make delay a re-request. I don't know much about how to code that, and/or it that's possible.

shu8 commented 7 years ago

I don't think using the site should extend the throttle, and neither should SOX because it runs with a separate API key, so it technically completely separate at the moment

I definitely need to add in a check to stop sending API requests if there's been a throttle violation. It is possible, but we need to think about the details a tiny bit more! :/ Let's hope it works tomorrow! :)

On 18 January 2017 at 22:41, wgrundlingh wrote:

@shu8 That's what I've done. I was thinking that, even though I'm throttled, I guess using the site and re-requesting content from the API probably doesn't help. In fact, it may just prolong the throttle... maybe?

One solution might be to only retrieve updates when the user clicks on the "edit" icon in the toolbar, assuming that may be done less frequently. Also, it seems like the script still does an API request, even though it's been throttled. Perhaps a throttled request should make delay a re-request. I don't know much about how to code that, and/or it that's possible.

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shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh ok.. so I've made a few changes to make it not perform API requests if it's throttled and wait 2 hours.

can you install the new version, but keep it disabled for the night anyway please? :) (watched posts/comments will stay)

@fixer1234 any luck with this new version?

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 I removed the old version, restarted FF, and loaded the latest version. No sign of it--no buttons or icons anywhere. Here's console output:

The connection to wss:// was interrupted while the page was loading. full.en.js:1:6864
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 61ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 117ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 59ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 54ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 67ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 63ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 76ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 52ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 54ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 91ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 68ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 45ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 22ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 17ms]
running editAlert.js editAlert.js:46:5
GET [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 16ms]
JSON.parse: expected property name or '}' at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data editAlert.js:183:21
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 14ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 16ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 197ms]
POST [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 171ms]
GET;r=387728172;a=p-c1rF4kxgLUzNc;fpan=0;fpa=P0-2087723673-1465952398859;ns=0;ce=1;cm=;je=1;sr=2048x1152x24;enc=n;dst=1;et=1484806786621;tzo=300;;; [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 72ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 26ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 14ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 28ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 16ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 18ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 111ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 12ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 90ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 24ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 14ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 302ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 230ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 233ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 240ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 245ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 353ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 228ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 233ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 240ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 247ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 250ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 253ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 262ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 261ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 272ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 271ms]
POST [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 80ms]
POST [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 61ms]
POST [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 56ms]
POST [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 61ms]
POST [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 71ms]
POST [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 25ms]
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create panel.js:5816:3
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help panel.js:3525:3
not well-formed messages.json:1:1
shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh sorry, that version had a bug that crashed the script, please could you install this version and then enable it again? :)

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@fixer1234 ah, seems like you've completely disabled SOX? When I was talking about disabling it on SOX, I meant only the 'downvotedPostsEditAlert' feature! Sorry, probably should have been clearer!

But I've fixed it now in this version so should run without SOX needing to be enabled at all, but you can enable SOX if you want -- just not the edit notification feature! :)

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

Updated and activated the script this morning and did receive notifications. Here's a view:


Obviously there's some title issues. For multiple comment to the same post that you're watching, would it be possible to collapse them into one? Perhaps showing "(multiple)" if there are more than one comment since last time. If there's a single extra comment one could add the comment author (just like with addAuthorNameToInboxNotifications). Just a thought.

With the "edit icon" colour change, I'm wondering whether something similar to the "inbox notification" numbering would be more in-line with what SE offers?

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

Hmmm... the list is now empty:


Is it possible to keep it in a similar way to what the Inbox does?

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 Just for clarification, SOX was enabled when I tested and didn't get any notifications. I disabled SOX to generate the console output, which you had suggested to minimize the unrelated content. So it was disabling SOX that made the script disappear, not the console? I'll load the new version and test again.

shu8 commented 7 years ago

Yes, it was disabling sox that caused it. There is a 'Disable debugging' button at the bottom of the dialog you can click to stop the sox console output

On 19 Jan 2017 4:59 pm, "fixer1234" wrote:

@shu8 Just for clarification, SOX was enabled when I tested and didn't get any notifications. I disabled SOX to generate the console output, which you had suggested to minimize the unrelated content. So it was disabling SOX that made the script disappear, not the console? I'll load the new version and test again.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh glad it's working now! 😄

I can definitely look into making the colour change a number instead, and saving the notifications is on my todo list :)

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 Still not getting any notifications.

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh ok.. it should show you numbers now in this version -- could you install and try it out? :)

I've also made changes to stop sending requests if throttled, and reduced the frequency of useless API requests, so hopefully we shouldn't get throttled :/ I haven't done it in the best way and it will still throttle if you have loads of watched things -- could you keep the number of watched posts+comments < 10 for the moment please? :)

@fixer1234 ok.. it's definitely the query parameters disappearing. I still can't remember what we did last time to fix it though! It'll come to me...

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 And here I thought I was the only one getting old and decrepit.

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

This might be premature while you're working on this, but there's a slight vertical mis-alignment in the numbered bubble (it's lower than the others):


I like the numbered bubble idea, since it fits with the rest of the SE design.

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh I'll get that fixed :)

Also, notifications should be persistent from this version :) Please can you try it out?

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

The current version of EditAlert (0.0.19) shows a blue marker that disappears as soon as one clicks (anywhere):


The number in the blue notification bubble is also misaligned.

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@fixer1234 I haven't been able to figure out why it's not working for you; it's not an FF-specific thing, because it works fine on my FF version. Can you try making a fresh profile and installing the script on that to see if it works there?

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh thanks, fixed that and a few other issues (like notifications being repeated) in this version :)

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 I loaded the latest version in a clean profile and it sort of works, but not ready for prime time. I'll have to do the pain-in-the-butt experimenting to figure out what add-on is conflicting. Observations:

(strikethroughs by shu8)

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 I just went back to my regular profile, updated SOX to the current dev version and loaded the latest version of this script. I was preparing to figure out what add-on was the problem, and a notification popped up from an old post that I had previously set to watch and lost track of the watch status. So the problem of the script not functioning appears to have been fixed by something else you did. But the points in my previous post still apply.

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 Spoke too soon. That old notification popped up but not any new ones. Guess I'll need to experiment with add-ons.

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 Disabled most of my add-ons and a bunch of notifications showed up. I haven't figured out yet which add-on was the issue. However, some problems:

The script appears to have stopped working again. The box still has 17 messages for the last several hours, but there have been a lot more things watched. Here's some console output:

The connection to wss:// was interrupted while the page was loading. full.en.js:1:6864
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 65ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 14ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:30322
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:30322
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 23ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 16ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 15ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 21ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 32ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 43ms]
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:30322
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 11ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 14ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 12ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 15ms]
running editAlert.js editAlert.js:24:5
postsToWatch Array [ Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 9 more… ] editAlert.js:166:5
commentsToWatch Array [ Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 6 more… ] editAlert.js:167:5
throttled Object { throttled: false } editAlert.js:168:5
notifications Array [ Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 7 more… ] editAlert.js:169:5
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1169033", commentBody: "I re-phrase the question, does any …", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1169033" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1169033", commentBody: "I re-phrase the question, does any …", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1169033" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1169033", commentBody: "I re-phrase the question, does any …", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1169033" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "HP printer has many problems", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172612" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "HP printer has many problems", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172612" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "HP printer has many problems", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172612" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "HP printer has many problems", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172612" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "HP printer has many problems", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172612" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "HP printer has many problems", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172612" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 3, title: "The Math Behind Lots of Devices on …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1172999" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 3, title: "The Math Behind Lots of Devices on …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1172999" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 3, title: "The Math Behind Lots of Devices on …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1172999" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 3, title: "The Math Behind Lots of Devices on …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1172999" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 3, title: "The Math Behind Lots of Devices on …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1172999" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 3, title: "The Math Behind Lots of Devices on …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1172999" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { originalPostId: "1172949", sitename: "superuser", title: "Surface Pro Ubuntu to Windows", link: "", editComment: "formatting and minor cleanup" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { originalPostId: "1172949", sitename: "superuser", title: "Surface Pro Ubuntu to Windows", link: "", editComment: "formatting and minor cleanup" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { originalPostId: "1172949", sitename: "superuser", title: "Surface Pro Ubuntu to Windows", link: "", editComment: "formatting and minor cleanup" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1172939", commentBody: "Thanks for closing the loop on your…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172939" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1172939", commentBody: "Thanks for closing the loop on your…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172939" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1172939", commentBody: "Thanks for closing the loop on your…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172939" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1172999", commentBody: "The problem isn&#39;t a binary yes/…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 9, originalPostId: "1172999" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1172999", commentBody: "The problem isn&#39;t a binary yes/…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 9, originalPostId: "1172999" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1172999", commentBody: "The problem isn&#39;t a binary yes/…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 9, originalPostId: "1172999" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1172949", commentBody: "If you wiped your tablet when you i…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172949" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1172949", commentBody: "If you wiped your tablet when you i…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172949" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1172949", commentBody: "If you wiped your tablet when you i…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1172949" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "Best Way to Access Files over the N…", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1173046" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "Best Way to Access Files over the N…", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1173046" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "Best Way to Access Files over the N…", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1173046" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "Best Way to Access Files over the N…", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1173046" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "Best Way to Access Files over the N…", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1173046" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: 1, title: "Best Way to Access Files over the N…", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 2, originalPostId: "1173046" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: -1, title: "Adding 0 before digits with access …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173065", link: "", editComment: "fixed formatting" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: -1, title: "Adding 0 before digits with access …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173065", link: "", editComment: "fixed formatting" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: -1, title: "Adding 0 before digits with access …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173065", link: "", editComment: "fixed formatting" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: -1, title: "Adding 0 before digits with access …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173065", link: "", editComment: "fixed formatting" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: -1, title: "Adding 0 before digits with access …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173065", link: "", editComment: "fixed formatting" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", newLink: "…", newScore: -1, title: "Adding 0 before digits with access …", newState: "open", newAnswerCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173065", link: "", editComment: "fixed formatting" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173071", commentBody: "If you&#39;re talking about the axe…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173071" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173071", commentBody: "If you&#39;re talking about the axe…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173071" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173071", commentBody: "If you&#39;re talking about the axe…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173071" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173068", commentBody: "@M&#225;t&#233;Juh&#225;sz, The OP …", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 2, originalPostId: "1173068" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173068", commentBody: "@M&#225;t&#233;Juh&#225;sz, The OP …", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 2, originalPostId: "1173068" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173068", commentBody: "@M&#225;t&#233;Juh&#225;sz, The OP …", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 2, originalPostId: "1173068" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173065", commentBody: "Do you want them to convert to text…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173065" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173065", commentBody: "Do you want them to convert to text…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173065" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173065", commentBody: "Do you want them to convert to text…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173065" } editAlert.js:302:21
looping saved notifications. currently on: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173073", commentBody: "People who might be able to tell yo…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173073" } editAlert.js:299:13
adding notification with details: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173073", commentBody: "People who might be able to tell yo…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173073" } editAlert.js:91:9
added saved notification: Object { sitename: "superuser", postId: "1173073", commentBody: "People who might be able to tell yo…", commentsLink: "…", newCommentsCount: 1, originalPostId: "1173073" } editAlert.js:302:21
about to start looping postsToWatch: Array [ Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 9 more… ] editAlert.js:309:9
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1169129", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656539, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1169129", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656539, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
GET [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 15ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 14ms]
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help jquery-2.1.4.min.js:4:14346
GET [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 16ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 110ms]
GET;r=2003216102;a=p-c1rF4kxgLUzNc;fpan=0;fpa=P0-2087723673-1465952398859;ns=0;ce=1;cm=;je=1;sr=2048x1152x24;enc=n;dst=1;et=1485771906534;tzo=300;;;'s%20still%20in%20war%2Curl.http%3A%2F%2Fsuperuser%252Ecom%2Fquestions%2F1173107%2Fchange-motherboard-with-exact-same-model [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 104ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 27ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1169216", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656709, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1169216", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656709, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 14ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 31ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1172617", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656847, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1172617", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656847, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 27ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 27ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "answer", postId: "1172939", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656891, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "answer", postId: "1172939", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656891, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "answer", postId: "1172957", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656937, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "answer", postId: "1172957", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763656937, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 27ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "answer", postId: "1172853", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763657000, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "answer", postId: "1172853", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763657000, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1173046", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763657118, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open", lastCheckedAnswerIds: Array[2] } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1173046", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763657118, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open", lastCheckedAnswerIds: Array[2] } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 27ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173052", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763657233, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173052", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763657233, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*IXxMt)cy3)mYENixz4JCogmlz1T(H0s*KHikYPCS4H3YAaTeot5E.A9HbhuHZ" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173055", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763657352, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173055", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763657352, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*IXxMt)cy3)mYENixz4JCogmlz1T(H0s*KHikYPCS4H3YAaTeot5E.A9HbhuHZ" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1172949", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233353, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1172949", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233353, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1173071", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233524, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1173071", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233524, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173068", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233573, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173068", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233573, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 23ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1173065", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763245908, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open", lastCheckedAnswerIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1173065", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763245908, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open", lastCheckedAnswerIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 48ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1173073", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233695, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1173073", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233695, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1173074", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485765017540, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1173074", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485765017540, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173090", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485765888583, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173090", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485765888583, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 29ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173099", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485767754723, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "answer", postId: "1173099", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485767754723, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1173107", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485769482312, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1173107", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485769482312, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 27ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1173106", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485769711669, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:311:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1173106", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485769711669, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:332:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
about to start looping commentsToWatch: Array [ Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, 6 more… ] editAlert.js:502:9
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1169216", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233900, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[5] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1169216", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233900, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[5] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1172939", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233946, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1172939", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233946, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 29ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173046", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233995, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173046", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763233995, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 29ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173052", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763234047, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173052", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763234047, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173055", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763234097, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173055", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763234097, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 29ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1172949", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763234153, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[2] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1172949", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763234153, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[2] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173071", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763246454, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173071", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763246454, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173068", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763246510, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[2] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173068", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763246510, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[2] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 29ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173065", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763246567, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173065", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763246567, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 67ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173073", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763246695, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173073", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485763246695, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173074", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485765021069, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173074", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485765021069, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173090", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485765884301, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173090", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485765884301, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173099", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485767553667, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173099", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485767553667, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173093", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485768771309, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173093", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485768771309, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173107", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485769473867, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173107", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485769473867, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1173106", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485769707405, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:504:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1173106", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1485769707405, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:520:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:281:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 24ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 12ms]
XrayWrapper denied access to property "ready" (reason: value is callable). See for more information. Note that only the first denied property access from a given global object will be reported. sox.common.js:72:0
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 87ms]
SOX:  inlineEditorEverywhere error: sox.Stack.using not found sox.common.js:28:13
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 26ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 18ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 14ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 10ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 25ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 19ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 18ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 17ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 18ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 16ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 31ms]
XHR [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 71ms]
XHR;19943;147144;411550;477799;606970 [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 37ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 28ms]
XHR;411550;477799 [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 48ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 14ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 197ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 10ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]

I noticed there were a bunch of bad requests. the URL for the last one produced this: {"error_id":400,"error_message":"site is required","error_name":"bad_parameter"} Same result on another random one.

wgrundlingh commented 7 years ago

@shu8 There is still a vertical misalignment in the placement of the blue edit notification counter bubble:


The blue bubble should move up a tad.

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@wgrundlingh It's scary that you even noticed that at normal magnification. :-)

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 When the script stopped working yesterday, I disabled it. It's been a day and I just enabled it again and the message count immediately shot from 17 to 33. I had re-enabled almost all of my Firefox add-ons. So it looks like the issue isn't the add-ons. Maybe it's being throttled?

Also, when you click on a comment link in the message box, it takes you to the post comment area. But if the comment is hidden (click to display N more comments), it doesn't open the linked comment.

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@fixer1234 yes, it's being throttled. While this is being tested, can you keep the number of watched things under about 10? This development version of the script doesn't have the access token in it, so there's a lot less available requests. I know it's a pain, but it should be ready soon! :) Also, there's a new version you can install which should have a few bugs fixed. You may need to uninstall the previous version in order to delete the posts on your watch list right now to keep it under ~ 10.

@wgrundlingh Is the bubble issue fixed in this version?

Also @wgrundlingh and @fixer1234 I've kinda lost track of all the issues now.... here's my 'todo' list:

Have I missed anything out? :)

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 I loaded the new version and will check it out. re: todo list (based on previous version):

re: replacement for superfluous text--a simple approach would be using a little box like the keycap or tags to contain a one-word description: Tags, Edit, State, Comment, or New Answer (two words for new answer to avoid confusion with an answer post because this would appear on a question post).

OK watched a few items. No notifications after more than 20 minutes. Console Output:

The connection to wss:// was interrupted while the page was loading. full.en.js:1:6915
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 50ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 15ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 10ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 15ms]
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:30322
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:30322
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:30322
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:30322
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:30322
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 25ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 302 Found 36ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 31ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 22ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 50ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 17ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 14ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 11ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 22ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 15ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 15ms]
running editAlert.js editAlert.js:8:5
postsToWatch Array [ Object, Object, Object ] editAlert.js:152:5
commentsToWatch Array [ Object, Object ] editAlert.js:153:5
throttled Object { throttled: false } editAlert.js:154:5
notifications Array [  ] editAlert.js:155:5
about to start looping postsToWatch: Array [ Object, Object, Object ] editAlert.js:295:9
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "answer", postId: "212335", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1486275492807, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:297:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "answer", postId: "212335", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1486275492807, options: Array[1], lastCheckedState: "" } editAlert.js:318:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:267:9
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 15ms]
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help jquery-2.1.4.min.js:4:14346
GET [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 17ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 52ms]
GET;r=1889831767;a=p-c1rF4kxgLUzNc;fpan=0;fpa=P0-2087723673-1465952398859;ns=0;ce=1;cm=;je=1;sr=2048x1152x24;enc=n;dst=1;et=1486277141393;tzo=300;;;'s%20USB%203%252E0%20ports%3A%20When%20I%20connect%20a%20keyboard%20or%20a%20m%2Curl.http%3A%2F%2Fsuperuser%252Ecom%2Fquestions%2F1175398%2Fissues-with-usb [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 104ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 25ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 33ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1175398", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1486275526461, options: Array[2], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:297:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for Object { type: "question", postId: "1175398", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1486275526461, options: Array[2], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:318:17
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo" editAlert.js:267:9
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 15ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 40ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY" editAlert.js:267:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: Object { type: "question", postId: "1175410", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1486276812245, options: Array[3], lastCheckedState: "open" } editAlert.js:297:13
about to start looping commentsToWatch: Array [ Object, Object ] editAlert.js:489:9
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1175398", title: "Issues with USB", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1486275530441, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:491:13
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for Object { postId: "1175398", title: "Issues with USB", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1486275530441, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[1] } editAlert.js:508:17
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser" editAlert.js:267:9
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: Object { postId: "1175410", title: "Can one Molex power cable power a 1…", sitename: "superuser", lastCheckedTime: 1486276796273, lastCheckedCommentIds: Array[0] } editAlert.js:491:13
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 11ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 12ms]
XrayWrapper denied access to property "ready" (reason: value is callable). See for more information. Note that only the first denied property access from a given global object will be reported. sox.common.js:72:0
SOX:  inlineEditorEverywhere error: sox.Stack.using not found sox.common.js:28:13
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 30ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 20ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 19ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 23ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 17ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 24ms]
XHR [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 47ms]
XHR;620011;693898 [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 33ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 98ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 74ms]
XHR;693986 [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 114ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 21ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 173ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 15ms]
vwof plugin, exception in ScreenWaveMedia: TypeError: video_data is undefined vwof.js:67:0
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 18ms]
TypeError: $(...)[0] is undefined sox.features.js:140:114
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 13ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 40ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 16ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 36ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 58ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 62ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 60ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 72ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 70ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 48ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 90ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 76ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 82ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 86ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 99ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 97ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 95ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 109ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 108ms]
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create panel.js:5816:3
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help panel.js:3525:3
not well-formed messages.json:1:1

Noticed a couple of bad requests. URL output:

{"error_id":400,"error_message":"site is required","error_name":"bad_parameter"}

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@fixer1234 Thanks for the list :) I'll add them to the to-do list

It looks like the site parameter is being chopped off again. Can you try again in a fresh profile? Like you did a few comments ago? :)

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 Fresh profile, same result. Also, refreshing a page with watched posts disabled watching. In a few cases, the watch icon remained dark, but the menu selections were deselected.

shu8 commented 7 years ago

I've just pushed a newer version to make it less wordy

Still need to do a few things that you've said @fixer1234... and the things on my todo list...

also, does it work now @fixer1234? (try a fresh profile again if not please!)

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 Still getting no results and a bunch of bad requests: {"error_id":400,"error_message":"site is required","error_name":"bad_parameter"}, although I see some console entries that say "throttled: false". When I get a chance, I'll try a new profile.

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago

@shu8 OK, tried a different machine--Windows instead of Linux, FF 51.01 instead of old FF ESR. Fresh profile. Loaded the latest script for the first time (not previously installed). Same symptoms. I get the UI (watch buttons, topbar icon), and selecting watch elements acts like it's working. But no results; no notifications of any changes. Console output:

GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 92ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 49ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 57ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 60ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 147ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 45ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 206ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 146ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 16ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 40ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 40ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 17ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 19ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 23ms]
running editAlert.js  editAlert.js:8
postsToWatch <unavailable>  editAlert.js:162
commentsToWatch <unavailable>  editAlert.js:163
throttled <unavailable>  editAlert.js:164
notifications <unavailable>  editAlert.js:165
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 51ms]
about to start looping postsToWatch: <unavailable>  editAlert.js:305
looping postsToWatch. currently on: <unavailable>  editAlert.js:307
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for <unavailable>  editAlert.js:328
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo"  editAlert.js:277
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 63ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 22ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 106ms]
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help  jquery-2.1.4.min.js:4:14346
GET;r=502479753;a=p-c1rF4kxgLUzNc;fpan=0;fpa=P0-1541000686-1462331864564;ns=0;ce=1;cm=;je=1;sr=1600x900x24;enc=n;dst=1;et=1487747396332;tzo=300;;; [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 96ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY"  editAlert.js:277
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 36ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: <unavailable>  editAlert.js:307
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for <unavailable>  editAlert.js:328
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo"  editAlert.js:277
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY"  editAlert.js:277
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 28ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: <unavailable>  editAlert.js:307
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for <unavailable>  editAlert.js:328
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo"  editAlert.js:277
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY"  editAlert.js:277
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 23ms]
looping postsToWatch. currently on: <unavailable>  editAlert.js:307
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking post. Doing API request for <unavailable>  editAlert.js:328
getting from API with URL:  "!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo"  editAlert.js:277
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 26ms]
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GWE1gDcf3YaWY"  editAlert.js:277
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 27ms]
about to start looping commentsToWatch: <unavailable>  editAlert.js:499
looping commentsToWatch. currently on: <unavailable>  editAlert.js:501
Been more than 15 (or 10) minutes since checking comments. Doing API request for <unavailable>  editAlert.js:518
getting from API with URL:  "!*K)GSjDWh5AAh)g(&site=superuser"  editAlert.js:277
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 25ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 17ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 17ms]
XrayWrapper denied access to property "ready" (reason: value is callable). See for more information. Note that only the first denied property access from a given global object will be reported.  sox.common.js:18
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 10ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 176ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 228ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 15ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 21ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 80ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 80ms]
SOX:  initializing SOX dialog  sox.common.js:63
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 128ms]
GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 102ms]
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 16ms]
SOX:  injecting features into dialog  sox.common.js:63
observe: .inbox-dialog  sox.common.js:84
observe: .comment  sox.common.js:84
XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 214ms]
SOX Access Token: SET  sox.common.js:46
XHR;368738 [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 119ms]
observe: #wmd-redo-button-1181085  sox.common.js:84
observe: #wmd-redo-button  sox.common.js:84
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 471ms]
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 58ms]
observe: [id^="wmd-redo-button"]  sox.common.js:84
XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 84ms]
observe: .image-upload form  sox.common.js:84
observe: .share-tip  sox.common.js:84
XHR [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 23ms]
"SOX editReasonTooltip URL:"  sox.features.js:881
<unavailable>  sox.features.js:882
GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 37ms]
SOX editReasonTooltip text: edited body  sox.features.js:883
fire: #wmd-redo-button  sox.common.js:91
fire: [id^="wmd-redo-button"]  sox.common.js:91
GET [HTTP/2.0 304 Not Modified 21ms]

Still getting the Bad Requests, which lead to the same message: {"error_id":400,"error_message":"site is required","error_name":"bad_parameter"}

shu8 commented 7 years ago

@fixer1234 what do you get going on this link:!SCam31W85iAdF11znRBpj2qWFPRJV_*8fTZTOPnclcMRL3Dxjmxr-5DJdNc07fPo ?

fixer1234 commented 7 years ago


{"items":[{"tags":["windows-8","formatting","asus-laptop"],"comments":[{"owner":{"reputation":4656,"user_id":368738,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"vembutech","link":""},"score":1,"creation_date":1487661371,"post_id":1181085,"comment_id":1709930,"body":"Your disk is in GPT partition ?"},{"owner":{"reputation":101,"user_id":522534,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"Irfan","link":""},"reply_to_user":{"reputation":4656,"user_id":368738,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"vembutech","link":""},"score":0,"creation_date":1487661676,"post_id":1181085,"comment_id":1709931,"body":"How i can check?"},{"owner":{"reputation":4656,"user_id":368738,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"vembutech","link":""},"score":1,"creation_date":1487664616,"post_id":1181085,"comment_id":1709955,"body":"Boot from a disk and select repair option then click troubleshoot and then advanced options and click Command Prompt. Type <b><i>diskpart</i></b> and then type list disk, this will show whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style."},{"owner":{"reputation":101,"user_id":522534,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"Irfan","link":""},"reply_to_user":{"reputation":4656,"user_id":368738,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"vembutech","link":""},"score":0,"creation_date":1487740072,"post_id":1181085,"comment_id":1710634,"body":"@vembutech Thanks, My disk was in MBR then convert into GPT. After that I did format successfully."}],"owner":{"reputation":101,"user_id":522534,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"Irfan","link":""},"last_editor":{"reputation":101,"user_id":522534,"user_type":"registered","profile_image":"","display_name":"Irfan","link":""},"comment_count":4,"delete_vote_count":0,"is_answered":false,"answer_count":0,"score":0,"last_activity_date":1487742536,"creation_date":1487660790,"last_edit_date":1487742536,"question_id":1181085,"link":"","title":"Unable to format Asus laptop"}],"has_more":false,"quota_max":300,"quota_remaining":283}