soscripted / sox

Stack Overflow Extras: a userscript for the Stack Exchange websites to add a bunch of optional toggle-able features
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No SOX features applied, only settings icon visible #498

Closed VulumeCode closed 1 year ago

VulumeCode commented 1 year ago

Stopped working for a while now. I reinstalled and tried different browser profiles.

Firefox 102.0.1

Tampermonkey 4.17.6161

shu8 commented 1 year ago

Hi @VulumeCode, thanks for the bug report! I can't reproduce this on FF or Chrome with Tampermonkey.

Can you check to see if you have any other extensions installed? Can you confirm the SOX version you are using? If you 'enable debugging' in the SOX dialog, and then press F12 for the browser console, do you see any errors?

Thanks for your help!

VulumeCode commented 1 year ago

Using SOX 2.8.0

Tried on my home computer Firefox 103.0 (some addons) and Chrome 103.0.5060.134 (only tampermonkey). Both have the same issue. I did see the features appear a few times, but they're gone after page reload. Only happens when I'm not trying, hitting F5 a few dozen times doesn't cause it to reappear once.

No errors in the console.

not-a-ethan commented 1 year ago

@shu8 I am experiencing this also on FF developer edition on v104.0b9. I just tested this with all other extensions and user scripts disabled. The user script version is v2.8.0. I also did not get any errors in the browser console.

shu8 commented 1 year ago

Would you be able to take a screenshot of the SOX settings dialog?

not-a-ethan commented 1 year ago

@shu8 Sure. Let me do that now

not-a-ethan commented 1 year ago

@shu8 Just took a screenshot of it in a private window with only this one user script running image

shu8 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @not-a-ethan! Please could you click "Enable debugging" at the bottom, open the browser console (F12), refresh the page, and take a screenshot of anything showing in the console? (or if there's too much stuff, copy/paste instead?)

not-a-ethan commented 1 year ago

@shu8 image

shu8 commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Hmm, it does seem to be running :/

I see you have the 'add highlighted tags to closed/on hold/...' feature enabled. if you go to right now, do you see this question with the added highlighted orange 'duplicate' tag?


not-a-ethan commented 1 year ago

@shu8 Dont see anything. I enabled all settings just to see if only some things are broken image

shu8 commented 1 year ago

Are there any more logs in the console lower down?

not-a-ethan commented 1 year ago


shu8 commented 1 year ago

There should be an option somewhere that seems to be filtering some of the logs -- do you see something like this anywhere? I think 'verbose' might be disabled in your console


it might look like this for you ('66 hidden' for me under the default settings):


not-a-ethan commented 1 year ago

Don't see any of that since I'm on Firefox dev edition

image image

shu8 commented 1 year ago

Hmm, thanks a lot for your help! I'm not sure why this is happening :/ I'll try debugging this a bit more and try to repro it -- thanks for being patient, I'll get back to you ASAP!

shu8 commented 1 year ago

I just pushed a quick change, please could you try the latest dev version (v2.8.2 dev)?

not-a-ethan commented 1 year ago

@shu8 Its working now! image image

shu8 commented 1 year ago

@not-a-ethan That's awesome, thank you so much for bearing with me whilst I debugged this! It turns out this was only affecting FF and the original bug report mentioned it not working in FF and Chrome so I must have overlooked checking in FF as well.

shu8 commented 1 year ago

@VulumeCode please could you check if the latest dev version is now working for you on FF?

You mentioned it wasn't working in Chrome as well -- is that still the case?

VulumeCode commented 1 year ago

It works with FF. Chrome still has the same issue.

I only use FF so I'm happy but I'll keep checking in for Chrome if there's anything I can do to help.

Console dump in Chrome (updated to latest version)


shu8 commented 1 year ago

@VulumeCode Thanks! It seems like your settings aren't actually saved for some reason. Could you click 'Reset' in the dialog and try getting a new access token when it prompts you and then re-selecting your options (being sure to click 'Save Changes' after choosing your options)?

VulumeCode commented 1 year ago

That worked! Since all options were already selected I first unselected all, save changes, reload, select all, save changes, fixed!