soshial / xdxf_makedict

XDXF — an open and free dictionary format, that stores word articles in a structural and semantic way. The most convertible format
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Poor conversion from dsl/stardict/xdxf to diсtd format #10

Closed Michahel closed 5 years ago

Michahel commented 11 years ago

After conversion from dsl to diсtd format appear HTML tags: <k>...</k>, <blockquote>...</blockquote>, <kref>...</kref> This formatting is not part of the DICT standard. I think for DICT format it is better, that was PlainText without these elements of formatting. It is better the HTML tags <kref>...</kref> to replace with format codes {...}, and all other tags to remove. The above is true for other directions of conversion. For example, from stardict to dictd and from xdxf to dictd.

soshial commented 5 years ago

I am closing the issue, because the converter has been deprecated. Please use other converters like pyglossary.