soshial / xdxf_makedict

XDXF — an open and free dictionary format, that stores word articles in a structural and semantic way. The most convertible format
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Define languages with entity; support extension in documents #39

Closed adamzkover closed 2 years ago

soshial commented 4 years ago

Koszonom, Adam, for your time that you dedicated to XDXF. I really like your solution for language problem in DTD schema!

Also, I am currently improving crucial parts of the standard to introduce a new version of it, which will as well support all possible language codes.

PS. How do you plan to use XDXF? I noticed that you use XDXF as one of the dictionary export formats in your dictionaries folder. What is the initial DB format that you keep word articles in? Thank you.

adamzkover commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update, I'm looking forward to the new version!

We use a custom XML now that was inspired by, but not identical to the TEI dictionary tags:

We came across XDXF when we wanted to publish our dictionary for PocketBook e-readers. There is one semi-official converter, which expects XDXF input: But unfortunately this only supports an old version of XDXF.

If we can map our existing XML structure to XDXF tags, we can consider XDXF as our primary export format, basing all other formats like Babylon and StarDict on that.

soshial commented 2 years ago

@adamzkover the new standard version (rev34) should support all languages, so no need to add them manually.

I have updated the format specification to rev. 34. The new revision should support all of BCP47 languages, variants and scripts.