soshial / xdxf_makedict

XDXF — an open and free dictionary format, that stores word articles in a structural and semantic way. The most convertible format
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Needs proper namespace and schema #41

Open bmix opened 4 years ago

bmix commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to have a proper namespace and a W3C XML Schema (or RelaxNG or Schematron, though, XSD is the most supported by editors and other XML tools).

Modelling the XML in a way, that it could be intermixed with other namespaces easily, would allow for reuse in other types of applications. I came to XDXF, because I am currently developing a 'Flashcard' app, and, for vocabulary learning, I would like to incorporate an existing, well specified format for language dictionaries. This means, that I would have a Flashcard Markup Language file, that contains XDXF XML at appropriate locations, intermixed.

soshial commented 2 years ago

Doesn't XDXF DTD fit your case? Can you try to use it as a nested definition inside your flashcard DTD?