soshial / xdxf_makedict

XDXF — an open and free dictionary format, that stores word articles in a structural and semantic way. The most convertible format
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Problem with DTD #45

Closed boydkelly closed 1 year ago

boydkelly commented 2 years ago

Running xmllint with the dtd and sample data produces this error. It seems to not even want the |br at all in the dtd.

xmllint --dtdvalid xdxf_strict.dtd rev34.xml 
xdxf_strict.dtd:13: parser error : MixedContentDecl : '|' or ')*' expected
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA|br)>
xdxf_strict.dtd:13: parser error : expected '>'
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA|br)>
xdxf_strict.dtd:13: parser error : Content error in the external subset
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA|br)>
ryanlo713 commented 1 year ago

I also encountered this problem.

Can this problem be fixed by adding *, like <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA|br)*> ?

boydkelly commented 1 year ago

This is what I did.

Very little activity here....

ryanlo713 commented 1 year ago

Another problem I encountered was that without format="logical", GoldenDict can not render successfully with the style. It was downloaded from here


This looks like GoldenDict does not support the rev. 34 of XDXF

boydkelly commented 1 year ago

Its such a shame that these guys don't collaborate somewhat more... And communicate. Actually pyglossary also has a few issues. But there seems to be no input from the dev here. Project dead in the water.

soshial commented 1 year ago

I am sorry for such long delays, @boydkelly. The Russian aggression against Ukraine impacted my participation in the project.