sospedra / rfm

Request for maintainers explorer
MIT License
19 stars 0 forks source link

uuvsimulator/uuv_simulator #44

Closed sospedra closed 4 years ago

sospedra commented 4 years ago

{ "description": "Gazebo/ROS packages for underwater robotics simulation", "fullName": "uuvsimulator/uuv_simulator", "language": "Python", "name": "uuv_simulator", "openIssues": 76, "owner": "uuvsimulator", "stars": 228, "updatedAt": "2020-04-17T02:37:15Z", "url": "", "license": "NOASSERTION", "topics": [ "auv", "gazebo", "robotics-simulation", "ros", "rov", "simulation", "swarms-project", "underwater", "uuv" ], "filenames": [ ".gclient", "BUCK", "BUILD", "BUILD.bazel", "SConscript", "SConstruct", "Snakefile", "WORKSPACE", "wscript" ], "aceMode": "python", "aliases": [ "rusthon", "python3" ], "color": "#3572A5", "extensions": [ ".py", ".bzl", ".cgi", ".fcgi", ".gyp", ".gypi", ".lmi", ".py3", ".pyde", ".pyi", ".pyp", ".pyt", ".pyw", ".rpy", ".spec", ".tac", ".wsgi", ".xpy" ], "interpreters": [ "python", "python2", "python3" ] }

musamarcusso commented 4 years ago

we were in the process of obtaining more maintainers, they were now included in the project.

sospedra commented 4 years ago

we were in the process of obtaining more maintainers, they were now included in the project.

You're not looking for more collaborators then? I can close the issue if so ;)

musamarcusso commented 4 years ago

yes, you can close it :) unfortunately since the repository was created within the scope of my company's project, getting collaborators involves some paperwork