sot / astromon

Astrometric accuracy (celestial location) monitor
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Final tweaks before 1.0.0 #28

Closed javierggt closed 2 years ago

javierggt commented 2 years ago


This PR is to iron out any small issues left before the 1.0.0 release. After these changes, the information in the celmon web pages should correspond to what is actually done in the code.

This PR introduces two small changes in that do not change results much:

There is a weekly astromon processing that is running weekly for testing and these changes are included there as I make alpha releases from this branch.

Interface impacts

This PR includes edits to the web pages:


Unit tests

Functional tests

I ran the weekly processing and the summary of the resulting log file seems ok to me (the cache error is gone):

WARNING: 139 observations , 84 skipped.
WARNING: 39 skipped: No x-ray sources found (23907, 24328, 25229, 23841, 25235, 24118, 23904, 24117, 23902, 23905, 24098, 26450, 23903, 24119, 23424, 24070, 25721, 23899, 24101, 25623, 24040, 25110, 24099, 24115, 24218, 24959, 24071, 24221, 24100, 23908, 24114, 24220, 23767, 25359, 23900, 26449, 24069, 23901, 26451)
WARNING: 45 skipped: does not fulfill observation requirements (45378, 45400, 45390, 45372, 45375, 45381, 45386, 45361, 45387, 45370, 45358, 45393, 45389, 45391, 45395, 45367, 45362, 45392, 45396, 45374, 45384, 45368, 45369, 45380, 45397, 45364, 45366, 45371, 45376, 45365, 22676, 45373, 45360, 45382, 45363, 45399, 45398, 45383, 45388, 45379, 45385, 45377, 45359, 45394, 26477)
javierggt commented 2 years ago

During the weekly run, I saw an error I had not seen before. It has to do with the astroquery cache, which we don't really need. I will add another change to this PR to disable caching in astroquery.

jeanconn commented 2 years ago

Also, for the comment in the PR text above, I assume "exclude observations with SIM-Z <= 4 mm" should be exclude observations where sim_z_offset > 4?