sotte / presenting.vim

A simple tool for presenting slides in vim based on text files.
MIT License
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Populate buffer list with slides #17

Open rafaelrinaldi opened 8 years ago

rafaelrinaldi commented 8 years ago

Would be nice to have the slides available in the buffer list (following the slides order) so I can easily go to an specific slide whenever I want.

sotte commented 8 years ago

Just to clarify how you can use this feature: :buffer <tab> allows you to auto-complete buffers.

Currently there is the SLIDE buffer which contains the current slide. The content is always replaced with the new slides.

You want _SLIDE_001, _SLIDE_002, etc? Do you want the header of the slide to be part of the buffer name?

rafaelrinaldi commented 8 years ago

@sotte The behavior I would expect is to :ls and see all the slides of my presentation so I can :buf n quickly to switch between slides (we could maybe use the args list instead).

Also, having the slide name instead of _SLIDE_00n_ would be way better. I personally have no idea which slide a topic of my talk is at, so I would had to open each one of them separately.

sotte commented 8 years ago

Sounds like a good feature. I'm a bit busy and can't implement it now but I'm more than happy to accept a pull request!

rafaelrinaldi commented 8 years ago

@sotte I'm clueless about VimL but will give it a try as soon as I can!
