souffle-lang / souffle

Soufflé is a variant of Datalog for tool designers crafting analyses in Horn clauses. Soufflé synthesizes a native parallel C++ program from a logic specification.
Universal Permissive License v1.0
903 stars 198 forks source link bandwidth or storage limit exceeded #2091

Open ecstatic-morse opened 2 years ago

ecstatic-morse commented 2 years ago

Attempting to install Souffle from packagecloud by following the instructions here has been failing for the past 4 days. This link suggests a bandwidth cap is to blame, although the total number of installations remains pretty small.

I ran into this while setting up CI for a program analysis in the Rust compiler. I'll switch to building from source for now, but thought I should let you know. Thanks for maintaining this project by the way!

XiaowenHu96 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for letting us know. Unfortunately, we don't have a better solution than hosting it on packagecloud right now. Starting from the next release, we will upload the packages as release assets on github so you can just wget and install it locally.

b-scholz commented 2 years ago

We download more than 256MB of data, and that exceeds PackageCloudIO's free plan.

Let us know if somebody wants to sponsor a plan for Souffle that has more bandwidth.

mwt commented 2 years ago

@b-scholz I can mirror it for you. You can direct people to my mirror to save you bandwidth. I host a few mirrors here:

I would pull the files from PackageCloud and update them on a schedule.

b-scholz commented 2 years ago

That would be great!

Long-term we would like to use as a repo. We are working on this at the moment.

In the meantime, it would be great to host our packages.

mwt commented 2 years ago


I already setup most of the mirror. I'm just waiting on the bandwidth to reset to pull the files. It'll retry every six hours. Do you know when your bw resets? If you want to speed it up, we could make another packagecloud account and add it to the CI process so that the bandwidth for mirror pulls and users are independent.

I can help with the repo build for deb if you want. I've done this before. I do not know anything about rpm though. The issue that I know of with GitHub pages on deb repos is that Packages.gz and Packages.bz2 are cached by Fastly and the cache is not invalidated on commit. When you update, the Release files specify the checksum of the Packages file. After an update, this checksum won't match CDN saved versions of Packages.gz and Packages.bz2. So, users will get a GPG signature error for a few hours after the so after the update.

It's better than running out of bandwidth, but you might find it annoying in the future. If you use a custom domain with GitHub pages, you have the option to change hosting at a later date without migrating users. You could use if you own that.

b-scholz commented 2 years ago

The next bw reset is on the 19th.

Could you write me an email to